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    t-mag, tensile freewheel, echo stem, zoo bars, smart guy forks, onza hog rims

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    Bourne End, Bucks

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Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. been down to richard today. we got pallets, skips and a car, same as last year. will be a good night hope everyone can make it.
  2. Was a sick ride. lots of good riding went down. and that drop gap over that wall at the end that max t did. was crazy good ride lads..
  3. Nice one rossy G. you are getting so good.. cool vid.
  4. where did u hear that from? anyone can ride as long as they bring a helmet.
  5. hi people. i spoke to richard and he has got all the pallets coming an two skips and a car.
  6. here a link a map..http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=ISO-8859-1&hl=en&tab=wl&q= the fun starts at like 6.. but if u can we could do with some help in setting up. so if u could come dwn early to help(only if u can). at like 4. if ends at about 8 or 9 but we normally keeps riding till like 10. also if you have a sat nav put this post code into it SL8 5QN.. THIS IS THE POST CODE OF ON2wHEELS WHICH IS THE BIKSHOP THAT IS SETTING IT UP.. ONCE YOU ARE THERE YOU WILL SEE US ACROSS THE ROAD. many thnaks tom
  7. Also is anyone able to come to help set up as there are not many riders in bourne end and we cant to it all by are selfs? many thanks. Tom
  8. Hi there everyone.anyone fancy doing a demo. Its for the late night shopping that is in the village of bourne end. the last two years we have had a good turn out. It is on the 30th November. last year we had loads of pallets, two skips and a car.This year we intend to make it better than last year. ANYONE can ride. need to bring a helmet drue to insurance. this show is set up by On2Wheels in bourne end. if you want to contact him then ring on..01628 533003. and ask to speak to richard. or i will be glad to answer any questions u have.
  9. yes neil the video is mental. the cone nice 1
  10. Nice video dan that was mental. really nice riding. nice1 keep it up.
  11. That was funny but that last one must of hurt.
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