photoshop photoshop photoshop.... As with everything photoshop, there are 3 or 4 ways to achieve the same thing. Quick ways which give variable results, or more drawn out ways which give excellent, very precise results. 1) use the lasso tool. It's not very precise and is a pain to use. 2) use the quick mask mode - a bit better than the lasso , and much easier to edit the mask 3) layer masks : you can create an adjustment layer, which can adjust the colours to whatever you want, then add a layer mask to the adjustment layer, fill the whole mask with black and then paint in the bits you want to show through in white. 4) you can use the pen tool. This is by far the most accurate way to get really crisp outlines around things. When the path is complete with the pen tool, go to the paths pallette [and rename the path] then 'load path as selection' button, or alt-click for more options. This will give you a great outline but takes the longest time to do. .... I have of course just realized that you are talking about Photoshop Elements and all these options may not be available.... DOH! If you have no pen tool [sorry, never used elements so don't know what's available], then painting onto masks is a good option as it's non-destructive and can be easily fixed. Hope this is helpful... and not a pointless load of gibberish! Chris.