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Everything posted by tall_chr1st

  1. tall_chr1st

    Oh Noes

    couple of cable ties...... it'll be fine!
  2. I've found Trials-UK to be very helpful indeed. I needed a lot of help when buying/setting up my Adamant bike, and Dan Ko is one of the most helpful blokes I've dealt with in a very long time. You'll find them here -> Trials-UK Really fast delivery too. They just love trials and genuinely wanted to help me out. Can't say fairer than that! Chris.
  3. Eric, Good work - that is a damn fine looking website, very nice indeed. I think what RadicalRider means is, it should be: trials-forum.co.uk - the largest and best trials forum observedtrials.net biketrials.ca trialsqueens.tk !!!! Good work man, love the site. Cheers! Chris.
  4. photoshop photoshop photoshop.... As with everything photoshop, there are 3 or 4 ways to achieve the same thing. Quick ways which give variable results, or more drawn out ways which give excellent, very precise results. 1) use the lasso tool. It's not very precise and is a pain to use. 2) use the quick mask mode - a bit better than the lasso , and much easier to edit the mask 3) layer masks : you can create an adjustment layer, which can adjust the colours to whatever you want, then add a layer mask to the adjustment layer, fill the whole mask with black and then paint in the bits you want to show through in white. 4) you can use the pen tool. This is by far the most accurate way to get really crisp outlines around things. When the path is complete with the pen tool, go to the paths pallette [and rename the path] then 'load path as selection' button, or alt-click for more options. This will give you a great outline but takes the longest time to do. .... I have of course just realized that you are talking about Photoshop Elements and all these options may not be available.... DOH! If you have no pen tool [sorry, never used elements so don't know what's available], then painting onto masks is a good option as it's non-destructive and can be easily fixed. Hope this is helpful... and not a pointless load of gibberish! Chris.
  5. Hi Olli, I'm of the opinion that you are never too old. I'm in a very similar position to you: I've been riding XC for about 20 years. I raced DH for about 4 years here in Scotland [stopped not through age or health but because the series was so badly organised it was a waste of money]. I skated for about 15 years. Had to quit that one because my knees couldn't take it anymore. I've always been into street riding but never really called it 'trials'. Decided about 1 month ago to get a trials specific bike as I was getting really into the more trials orientated street stuff. I'm lucky enough to have a job that pays well enough to allow me to afford a decent bike. I started riding 'proper' trials stuff in this last month, and having a great time! I'm 34. Sure, I'm not quite as bendy as I used to be. Sure I have to be a bit more careful about hurting myself. But I like to think that with age comes common sense. When you're young you can do stupid things, and if it doesn't work you tend to bounce back pretty fast. When you're my age, you think a bit longer about big stuff and have a much less gung-ho approach. Preservation through common sense! Ultimately, it's all about doing what you enjoy. I'm never going to be a great trials rider but I will be a good one. As long as I can go out every night and learn new stuff, and feel like I've achieved something AND had a good time, then that's all you can ask for really. It's never too late... unless you THINK it is. Keep an open mind and a sensible approach and just have a good time. However old you are, there will always be someone older out there doing the same thing. I hope this is helpful. Chris.
  6. Just last week I borrowed a copy of 'Evolve' on VHS [old school!] from my mate. See http://www.crfilms.com for some info. It's a few years old now [released 2000] but the riding is still top notch and is pretty full on. It errs much more toward the street riding end of trials but is still one of the best videos I've seen. Highly recommended - makes you want to go out riding [and probably hurt yourself!]. I see it can still be had second hand from Amazon! Christo.
  7. Hi everyone. My name is Chris. I live in Scotland, in a small town about 30 miles from Edinburgh called Galashiels. It's not exactly a concrete jungle down here but it's like everything else in life - you just got to make the most of what you have and enjoy it. Been street riding for a long time along with xc/dh/freeride - just love anything with 2 wheels! Just building first trials specific bike now - all in place apart from back wheel which should arrive tomorrow! Edinburgh is just up the road from us; i'd be very interested to hear from anyone who can suggest good spots in and around edinburgh. Pip pip! Christ.
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