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trials 123

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About trials 123

  • Birthday 03/24/1984

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  • MSN

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    gu typhoon koxx wheel set monty/zoo/hope

Profile Information

  • Interests
    bike trials <br />moter bikes
  • Location
    Mansfield notts

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. hi i was just wondering what people think are better tensile free wheels or try all free wheels as i have a tensile at the moment and i was thinking of getting a tryall so please help
  2. no i just put the freewheel striaght on and i didnt use grease or clean it but the freewheel come off the old crank really easy but it was really hard to put it on the new ones
  3. hi every body i was just woundring how i would no if i had rounded my cranks puting my free wheel on as it was really hard and stiff to put the freewheel on
  4. try that link that dan60601 said, it really works i have just put Damon's new video on my psp thanks SAM
  5. thanks for you help that is just what i wanted . thanks sam
  6. come on someone must have some sort of idea how to convert the video's!! thanks SAM
  7. hi i ride a GU short they feel really nice, i no that the wheel base is 1000 but that's about all i no, have a look on www.tartybikes.co.uk that will help you. thanks SAM
  8. hi i have a psp, and i would like to put some trials videos on it but the videos have to be a certain format i was just wondering if any one else has had this problem. and i was just wondering if any one had a converter they could send me to convert the trials videos to psp format. thanks SAM
  9. i might come, but why not have the ride on Saturday as every one in Mansfield is at school on Friday, so if you move the date forward to Saturday more people will turn up i should think thanks SAM
  10. hi i have spent around 850-900 pound on my gu. thanks sam
  11. i have cracked a the old onza tmag and a Monty 221 Ti thanks SAM
  12. i think thats about it there the only 3 i have ever played on, but good find thanks sam
  13. i bet that goes at some serious speed thanks sam
  14. what you bumping dude and look's fun keep it up, what bike you riding thanks SAM
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