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Everything posted by LiTe

  1. LiTe

    Costaeste - Dvd

    its just the 1st one, wait to see them all and full trailer anyway i think it doesnt means just what you see, it means professional editing and good level of riding i think you'll like it
  2. quite powerful but sorry i dont like his style, looks too tall for a mod
  3. LiTe

    Lokoxx Trailer!

    its a really nice one, keet them up! and i agree, you need a new ride, anyway I think its coming...
  4. LiTe


    i'd like to meet you someday, england is not the only stylish nation
  5. LiTe


    Really nice vid, nikita and konstantin made me want to go huge, they are impresive keep riding
  6. i agree, i'm looking for them mines are nearly gone
  7. ace vid, how high was the last side?
  8. nice sides, bt bike wasn't good for you?
  9. looks like an awesome riding, hope to go someday over there
  10. come to ride it, sabadell's trial park
  11. nice ride there, but if you just can do 3 moves on that high go to a wall where you really feel free to do more variety
  12. looks like a fair bike
  13. LiTe

    Damon Video 7

    i loved that one how high is the last wall you sidehop? seems effortless anyway 143cm is crazy stuff keep them coming, you look even better on your new bike
  14. LiTe

    Dan Brooker

    nice vid, quite smooth riding i think i saw you in sabadell, you were riding a hidroxx . We met at the hotel sabadell wall, i was riding a gu 26". hope to see you both riding over here again
  15. LiTe


    i love the tuck at 3,24 and when he goes to 48", so sick best unicycle vid ever
  16. 16 years old and its already 10 palets... keep on it, at 20 you'll be on 12
  17. LiTe


    i think first gap is on neil adamant 3, and the drop from the rail on 0:30 is on neil adamant 2 huge moves as always
  18. LiTe

    Cls - July 07

    20" best rider those sides were so impressive
  19. powerful riding no helmet some kind of shitty style deff
  20. LiTe

    Video Comp

    Hi, i'm Alex from Spain, one of the Playground creators. I'm happy to see you all are interested in that kind of vids, and not purely dropgaps, sides... etc. It started cause ARV (the other creator) and me live a little far away betwen us. We used to meet every weekend to ride togheter, we had the same level and we could learn from each other. For some reasons we couldn't meet anymore, and we decided to do something to keep our motivation. We thought in something adapted to our level, and same conditions for each one. Our wall high was 1,05m, a nice one to be able to play and don't feel forced. -Why we decided to ride mod? Both of us usually ride stock, but also we have a Monty Ti 20" 2004. We thought to ride with monty's cause it would be the same conditions even with more accuracy. -Why we called it PlayGround? It has to be a playing vid, just play on the bike and don't feel forced. Look for a nice high adapted to your level, it's ok to choose some "cm" over your marks, it will keep you even more motivated to improve your riding style and even the level. The Playground vid show the creativity and capacity of each rider is involved, that's why the rules have to be the same for both (or more) riders are doing it toghether. The rules are completely adaptable to each video: -Wall, rail, THING dimensions -Bike used (not model, but it's important the wheel size) -Weather conditions -Vid length -etc... But remember -always the same conditions- -Wich one is better? In fact we did'nt create any questionary to know wich one liked much to the people, we understand it was a free moves video, it means "moves you like much / moves you feel better". There's no better playground, someone like's to do more static moves and others prefer going ahead moves. That was a CostaEsteTrials project, we are a organization who looks to promote trials around, through multimedia and visual products. That's why we just ask to each rider who wants to be part of that project, please put at the beggining of the vid the COSTAESTETRIALS title, hosted here: http://tv.isg.si/site/ftpaccess/sincasco_p...0-%20titulo.jpg Also, this activity has to leave constance, that's why we create a "contract" between each parts. Here you can see a model, used by 5aw and LPU (riders of topic posted days ago). http://tv.isg.si/site/ftpaccess/sincasco_p...W%20+%20LPU.pdf *soon english model If your are agree and got any question about it, please feel free to ask us. I hope you all like to be part of it, and remember, play has to be your intention! thanks a lot! PD: If you like to see the first plays of the project just go here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/arv - PlaygroundARV , ARV's playground http://www.myspace.com/litebtrialss - Mine's Alex Villar CostaEsteTrials member Playground idea
  21. i had the same problem and i got Gu. I feel better on high bb and short chainstay.
  22. I was living in dublin 5 months and never saw any rider over there.. england is full of street riders, why is not ireland?
  23. true.. 3 sets of 3pawls, indeed. Anyway the 2 reserve ones never failed me
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