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Everything posted by abtrials

  1. the sex this is well nice and looks good with the dual disk bb7 all the way
  2. looking good mate get it sorted and get out on it
  3. can you really justify not buying a decebt rear hub and rim for a trials bike? pro 2 is well worth £110 plus more 2nd nothing
  4. alright peps yea there is plenty of riders in the abingdon area so come down some time
  5. i am running 18/17 on mine with 170 cranks and it is fine i tryed 18/16 for a bit but gap,s and bumps were harder oh yea also by running 18/17 with a kmc cool chain you dont need any tensioner
  6. i think that horizontal drop outs are a good idea but they need to have the same 135mm spacing as a normal bike? fortunatly i have the best of both worlds as i have a zenith, which i am running 18tooth up front 17tooth rear, KMC cool chain and i have it running sigle speed with no tensioner at all, oh yea and i can use my pro 2 (best hub ever)
  7. that vid is AWESOME i remember when that was the best vid out? cant believe how much trials has moved on though. still vids like that make you want your old school stead back
  8. i 2nd that mate, he is awesome and he always make stuff look so smoth, mainly because he rides every single type of MTB class, xc, downhill, freeride, trials, dirt etc....................... think this might have somethign to do with it and why he is looks so good on 2 wheels
  9. hold on one sec mate let me just fix my back to the future car and ill be there. lol
  10. or you could get a thiner rear rim, or swap your cranks for some 5mm smaller
  11. yea it will work mate i am using that set up but the adamant bash guard, they are spot on mate go for it
  12. yea mate they do snap of course they do every bar will snap at some point, however they are really strong bars and last most people a real long time. get another set £35 bargain
  13. i am the one with the zenith i can agree with Ghetto rider, i love mine and it rides so nice, also i ent to keen on zoo's i would rather have a control if i never had a zenith but go zenith
  14. yea i run a maxis high roler and a maxis downhill tube and i have never had a bite- whot whot
  15. ukbikestore.co.uk good price as well
  16. same as him, oh reading is good as well mate
  17. yea max just bend them back it will be fine just make sure you grease that baby up nice and it will be fine also if you need a hand ask me mate i have rebuilt so many hubs, wheel's, freewheel's, etc and i can fix anything really mate also i can usualy think of a decent bodge if not
  18. or get 2 x blocks of wood and put them in between the sprocket and the vice, grab hold of the wheel and turn, job done (if you are talking about a rear sprocket) if not above will work
  19. abtrials


    i know this sound wrong but by some GT85 and use that, once it has dryed it is the best for holding grips on, also it is a smell sensation
  20. that is horrible, high bb frames when set up properly, ie like that (high rise long mod stem) ride the same as a mod but has bigger wheels, its horible, what's the point just buy a mod (which aint to nice either in my opinion) i would say go +30 max i have a +25 frame and it rides nice but if i was to get anything different it would be lower or the same hight they are just better for all round riding. hope this helps
  21. sure it can be easyly fixed mate i will haev a look when you are out next. also this is exactly why £60 helmets are not worth it mate, just buy something cheaper next time joe £12 50 helmet thats where its at, even though are's look shit, they will protect your head better that thoes xc jobs and also it will never go wrong there bulit proof (well not actualy bulit proof but you get me! lol)
  22. i know of a few doing this but me and my mate have had one for like 8-9 months trouble free, i quess its just luck which ones last, but hope are good they will give you areplacement and also they have corrected the problem now as well so all is good also i love these hubs would not use anything else. just remember people only post when something has gone wrong, i bet there is a much higher percentage of riders who loev there pro 2's
  23. thats but it would be nice if you ever get it finished and actualy come out riding
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