I had similar difficulties, I use to ride like 5 years ago and gave up - always use to sidehop to the left, towards my leading foot (old school way as well) then about 1 year ago I started riding again, and was learning the new school side hop to the left as before, I was doing like 6 blue pallets max but it was so so so inconsistent, like sometimes I could only do 4-5 blue ones. and I was always putting my foot down and bottling out, so I said to myself I would learn going to the right which would give more clearance etc and should be my more natural side, after doing that for about a month I was nailing 6 pallets every go, and now I am side hoping about 45-47 inches. My balance is not what it was when going to the left but that will come with time etc. So I would say just learn the trick again going to the right. And see what happens