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About trials_noob

  • Birthday 12/09/1990

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  • Quick Spec
    Onza T-bird 2005 model Mainly standard spec Echo booster Zoo pads rear Heatsink blues front

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  • Location
    Coatbridge, nr glasgow

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Isopropyl alcohol is the best way. Will take off all the oil without leaving any residue behind. Put in on with a towel, rub off the dirt/excess, allow to evaporate and your good to go. Isopropyl acohol is in surgical spirits but if you want purer 100% stuff you'll need to buy from somehwhere else other than the pharmacy.
  2. I have an Onza T-bird which was excellent for learning on. I bought it as a cheap starter bike and it did the jobe well.
  3. Also try www.trials-online.com they have a great explanation FAQ and technique page where most aspects are disscussed in so much detail. They also have great instructional vids, use trashzen aswell.
  4. Lol Think he means the pads stuck to the rim with the tar, so locked up when not supposed to
  5. Is pledge not polish? Therefore making your rim hellishly slippy? Yeah cillit bang etc will work fine, anything with degresing properties, just put it on, clean the rim then rinse off with water
  6. The echo pads are meant to be near enough the same compound as the zoos so give them a shot. If you don't want to grind, take a stanley knife and make quite a lot of very light slits in the rim all the way round. I've done it and the brake is awesome, without losing strength in the rim.
  7. His riding is unbelievable. Can anyone else ride like that? I've had the pleasure of seeing and meeting him live at a demo, he is unreal, and a really decent guy.
  8. Anything that protects your head!! Anyway i have a met formula, does the job fine.
  9. Great vid Your gap technique is awesome!! Any tips.... lol
  10. The zoos and echos are made for smooth rims or very very light grinds, so that's why they wore out fast. Koxx-brows or greens > heard a good review on greens, ask onzaboymark.
  11. Thanks for all replies, with the advice i am getting better already! There's only two things really causing slight problems just now and that's after i kick more than 2 or 3 times in a row i can't keep the front wheel up, is there any advice to help this? And i sometimes lose sideways balance, is there any cures? Or will practise perfect both of these? And how many pedal kicks should i be able to string together before moving onto things like gapping? Thanks
  12. Don't worry i'm not scared about falling backwards, i've done it a lot and practised going over on purpose. I think poopipe is right as i feel i am too tense. Anyway thanks for all the pointers, best thing now is to go and practise
  13. Not trying to be smart, but seriously try to learn hopping on the other side, (if you right foot forward).
  14. Only full members have the report button, new members don't so thats why its not there!
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