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Rago muffin

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Everything posted by Rago muffin

  1. heavy skoze, who else? Rankin should be on it aswell Chai? Bessel?
  2. IT ON. London saturday 2nd. whose in?
  3. potential, if not early then after 4
  4. no idea, just found this though 24 onwards... looks terrible http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=k_sDAAA...als&f=false
  5. a few from me if you fancy... http://www.vimeo.com/1657749 http://www.vimeo.com/4855663 Tim pratt, Feeney (and me) Feeney and me/ natural? otherwise just search Phil Feeney, Tim pratt and John Shrewsbury for old school 24" Style
  6. Woahhhhh! Big riding man, awesome, ride soon!?
  7. truth! i just had a nostalgia trip from watchin the bike show clips! remember seein that stuff first hand and being in awe!
  8. some sweet riding there! pics looks real nice
  9. awesome! dope edit, ridin was amazin, best vid i seen in ages!
  10. you still breakless steve?
  11. Yerr, that was sik! this is the jeff lenosky i remember
  12. used to love this guy! demo looked dry as man...
  13. cool, although that tune has been rinsed! and i think Clint mansell wrote it not mozart!
  14. That was mental! awesome stuff, i dont know how he sykes himself up to do all that massive stuff, i could imagine if he was out riding with mates but on his own in front of a camera must be terrifying! major props to danny, hes changing the world! haha
  15. if this kid is out i might try and make an effert... fore arm permittin
  16. fresh... wernt feeling the lens but sick edit still, reminded me of that old john shrewsbury vid from when he had that ET with the dead prez tune! props
  17. tune is bonobo - hatoa check the verison out on spotify with andreya triana singin! its beautiful
  18. haha yer man, especially the use of wheelchair to track, hightech stuff
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In2RoOlAwQU teaser haha, but seriously theres no footage, this pretty much defines the week though
  20. haha nah man, it really is as bad as people make out lol... do you remember when me you and jhey were riding down walworth road when there was that massive fight on the night that guy got stabbed/ shot? that was mental!!!! and when that guy came up to you with his guts out! the area is just bate as all round. but yer apart from that its fairly chilled
  21. haha yer i was a bit obsessed with your bum that day... you could say i was bumming you out... oh dear yer man ali's riding makes everythign look small, that up to rail was IMMENSE! Ride soon brother for sure!!! cant wait
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