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Rago muffin

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Everything posted by Rago muffin

  1. Rago muffin

    Nick Cooke

  2. haha there was actually something well cool about that! Ali you must be going mad with bordem get better soon man, although if you keep training like the you are gonna be HENCH on the upper body!! Extra lol for marks response to first comment on this post
  3. LOOKS AWESOME!!!! havent seen one of those in a long long time
  4. haha looks fun! bet you had a great time filmin that.
  5. fresh, some beasty riding going down! i used to hit up mk so much when i lived near there, lots to ride really enjoyed the vid, keep it up guys
  6. was hopin to see some riding from you lol. I know the feeling though, student/ no money/ spend money on food or dont eat for a month and buy some new spokes. hard decisions. Get bak on it mayne!
  7. Rago muffin

    Clean 001

    Just watched agen... i dnt get how mark is sooooo smooth!! especially as he was on the camera 24/7 and then would jump off to get a single line haha!?!? bare style fam
  8. Rago muffin

    Clean 001

    Love you mark! you make my tip do things... Such a privilege to be in a creatively and awesomely made vid!! I only wish my bike was more together when we filmed as my lines looked a bit sketch hehe AWESOME Ali c isn't real. Ben Isn't real. And Sammy Dodger is just pure lol.
  9. nortee Real talk. whys has in italic? does it emphasise the point or is it sarcastic lol?
  10. DOPE! keep watching this one, gets me hyped!!! I need to ride your endz soon bro
  11. Anyung! kkkkk Yer I train with stray animalz alot Dont worry Ben ill get summin out soon! but wont be near as good as your vids Mad love for all the comments
  12. nice pics mayneeeeeee! keep pedlin hard bro
  13. Haha yer man, no embarrassment, you definately got me on the passion I dont really like to stay in a comfort zone for too long, but on south bank your surrounded by tourists, skaters, bmx, street performers etc. I guess a guy dancing isnt really out of the norm. But I know that some people have this overwhelming and almost crippling feeling of embarrassment in public that prevents them from stepping out and I find it interesting that that comment was made cus it never even crossed my mind Thanks (matthew + pedle = soon?)
  14. Hey So maybe this isn't like a propa trials vid but there is riding in it haha! Anyways i went out the other day and shot a small vid with a friend... Let me know thoughts? Thanks, Joel
  15. Rago muffin

    Twice - Joel Bennett

    Leeson 24" riding around london, bedford and mk :)
  16. yes Ben, smashed it, dope lines... I hear you on the hed trip man, I been playing that game for too long, its life that, its all about riding when you dont want to cus you know that when you persevere with something you'll eventually get on the hype... also stop makin these short vids and give us summin we can get our teeth into cant wait mayne!
  17. LOL! was gonna go to this event, kinda wish i had just to see that!
  18. Missin you baybez Thanks bro, been lovin your vids resently, would love to catch up for a pedle sometime... and Adam SORT YOURSeLF OUT! x 2 I wanted to ride brakeless for a bit, was frustrated with riding and I could never get the tension right on the GoodBoy The leesons now got a rear brake which feels dope, thanks to mike, but insufficient funds means ill be running the bike pretty mash up for a while lol... Would be good to catch up for a pedle soon
  19. Hey, I found some old clips from a year or more ago, so i put them together in a little edit. Most of them are of me riding brakless hope you enjoi Thanks, Joel
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