me and my mate were out riding today having a propper session and then we were up near the town kinda area and theres twats came over and tryed to jack our bikes and were like climbing all over us and stuff and it was me(16) and my friend(18) and they came to me first and were like give us your phone and give us your bike but we decided we were having none of it they were like 20 or somehting and there was four of them, propper ghetto twats, they told my friend to f**k off and leave me but he wouldnt so one of them punched me and the face and to be honest it was the most pussyiest punch ever then they went to my friend and this is like half an hour later and they just wouldnt give up adn we were like just f**k off, we gotta get to work, and the main guy manged to get on his bike and my friend wouldnt let go and the guy was like pushing at him so he pushed back and then one of them said lets just go man leave it, then the main guy just turned round and punched my mate sqaure in the face taking him to the ground and he didnt let go of his bike so the other guy fell off and then they went, my friend was like bare concussed and yer they left......
i just fort id post this cus ive herd so many storys about how people have been jacked and stuff and just wanted to say that how ever painful it is all rude bois are pussies and will leave eventually... its better to stay and fight for your bike then to let them have it... hehe thanks for reading hope this helps:)
ps really sorry if this is in the wrong section (if it is in the wrong place or if its shouldnt be on the forum just move or delete) thanks