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Rago muffin

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Everything posted by Rago muffin

  1. pritty sure you just have to reopen it from the upper tabs, i used to use 6.5 but try going to window - workspace - effects hope this helps (if not just save and re open:P)
  2. im up for sunday, will come down with quite a few
  3. thanks guys:D:D:D:D really apriciate that, big help (anyone else?) thanks, Joel
  4. hi guys if any of you cud reply to this questionaire then it would be off great help for my film, many thnas in advance:) Joel please email back to me or just pist up here:), Justboy24@hotmail.com Please take the time to complete this questionnaire as it will assess and define the necessary target audience for my production. Many thanks Joel Bennett, Scruff Productions Circle choice for multiple answers or leave answers to a question where applicable. Gender: Male/ Female Age: 0 – 10 11 – 14 15- 19 20 – 24 25+ Occupation/ Employment Status: ……………………………………………………… Annual household income: 0-15k 16- 30k 31k – 45k 46 – 60k 60k + What are your hobbies? (State more then one if necessary): …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Do you participate in any extreme sports, or have done? (Please list) …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… What is it you love about your sport/s? – (if you don’t participate in your sport anymore then state why) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Do you enjoy watching Extreme sports? I.e. Bmx, Surfing, MTB, skating, Breakin’ etc YES / NO Have you ever been injured or hurt in anyway through being apart of your sport? – (If so state what happened and what injury you sustained) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Which channels do you regularly watch? C4 BBC1 BBC2 ITV Extreme Other channels of interest: ………………… …………………. …………………. …………………. Many thanks for taken the time to complete this questionnaire Joel Bennett, Scruff Productions Justboy24@hotmail.com
  5. as above hehe, thanks in advance Joel
  6. aint got a thingy account:S but dont mind sending it and ting:P if someone else can
  7. ive got it, think i may have in full quality aswell, sort us your email and ill yousendit.com over to you;)
  8. sikkk man! you know what frame hes on?
  9. ouch man i staked hard 3 months ago doing a gap to a rail only frm bout 6ft to 2ft but runin tyres hard on metal lol and bike slipped out and went over landed on my leg rupturing my quad and tendons and that, wont be bak riding for a while:( its funny how much you crave your bike when you dont have it even though its the reason you may never walk propper again:D hope them ribs heal up soon so you can get bak out there bro:) (perfect weather at the moment aswell:P)
  10. safe man, whats BOTI? lol
  11. just spotted this on youtube, fort it was a peice funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UknGqlIlYNM&NR enjoi
  12. lol yer, that gap was well anoying:p took me a few goes hehe
  13. hi, just found these short vids ont comp, pritty cool for the age of them, must have been 3 years old i guess, this one is of me riding the giant like the beat that it is: and this is an mk session with me tim and feeney (jack meek was there but didnt make it onto the vid sadly:(): enjoi:) thanks ( both vids were "edited" by feeney the fag) Joel
  14. this codec worked for me http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Stin...nload_locations
  15. some well nice pics in that mag, wish i cud see eddie on a trials bike though:( i used to acually fancy his riding!
  16. qoute from Phil Feeney today... "This is what i love about riding, when passion runs low on street, i move to park, then to natural then to street, riding is awesome becuase i can do anything i want" nuff sed i guess?
  17. to be far his riding is always differnt and unique and always has alotttttttt of variety and he is always pushing out new moves, however in his vids i can see where you get the idea of repetitism, but at the end of the day you use a pedle hop to gap or get up something, i guess you cud say he does the same kinda thing in the way he spins, id say he is the most inovertive rider out there, minus edd toung and akrigg, nicky g etc lol "'d be happy enough to settle with saying both cls and this are repititive. In differant ways opf course, but I dont want to see someone spin on their back wheel anymore than I want to see craig sidehop..." - jake1516 forgive me if this sounds odd lol, but if you dont like trials or street then why you on tf? (man that sounded rude but really didnt mean to, just seems odd especially posting in the vid section, if nout tickles youyr fancy:P)
  18. that vid scared me as much as ET:( riding was pritty sick, funny vid:D
  19. cheers bruv, i know mega upload is wak:) and dont call me biatch james overwise i mite ovulate in your face!
  20. hehe at the top there is a box where you have to put the 3 letters it tells you to in and then press download... should work fine mate?
  21. as above i guess, nout special, short vid of a sickening session up at the pitz http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3N9BX9D9 enjoi, brappppppppp
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