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lawrence osborn

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Everything posted by lawrence osborn

  1. Right cheers. On the steerer tube on my forks that are on my bike at the moment it seems it is a bit rusted and i can't get the top cup off so i can't get the forks out. So is there a way to get them out?
  2. Just a random thought if any of you guys have any exotic pets e.g snakes, spiders or lizards or something along that line. I have a corn snake it is only 3 foot and a bit at the moment but it will get bigger.
  3. I personly havn't broken anything yet (touch wood) but some guy i know who does downhilling fell off the other week and broke his arm, the two bones in his lower arm moved 2inches downward .
  4. Hey, I got my forks today from collage boy . And i have tried to get top cup and spacers off everyway i can think of but it will only move a bit. Do you nedd a special tool to get these off or not if not how do you do it? Cheers Lawrence
  5. Onza sticky finger :$ grip is brilliant when new wear is crap, pinch protection is ok and the rebond is ok.
  6. Hey, It was just in my mind what people prefer, i prefer a front disk as i feel you have more control with it, but you may feel different about it which one do you prefer disk or maggie and why?
  7. No i don't really like the look of it, it has a sort of gay look but it is not what i think it is what he thinks if he likes it he can ride it
  8. Yeah hurting your back is common quite a few people that i know have stopped at the age of around 25 as they have to many back probems, i supose doing drops does your back in the most. Also another common one is hitting your knees on the stem and you can't walk and get a massive bruise even if you hit it really soft it hurts. Finnaly hitting your shins bloody hurts too and it rips them to peices, and what annoys me is if you wear shin pads the pedals don't go near your shins, the other week i decided not to wear shin pads an i bailed over my bars off a rail and the screw that fixes the brake lever ripped my leg open all the way down to the white gewy stuff .
  9. Brilliant picture i love picures when somone is right on th edge of something brilliant mate well done
  10. Buble gum pads are rubbish. I had a pair and they only lasted 2 days, really i think their competition pads.
  11. Brilliant video some big moves there, loved the wheelie hop to backwheel on the upside down skip and also the first song didn't go, but ohwell the riding makes up for it! cheers for sharing
  12. Hey guys, Seeing as lots of people on the forum are paying by paypal as it is quick, simply and safe as they say, i want to join the trend so could someone help me out on how to get an account please. Cheers Lawrence
  13. Which bike rides nicer and how different is the gearing from the GU to the 2005 onza t-pro? Cheers Lawrence
  14. They look very nice but how do they ride that is the question?
  15. Hey to all, Right i would like to know what an IBP image is when the picture doesn't show and also my computer doesn't play youtube videos anymore and it will not let me download flash player what can i do so it will let me watch them? Cheers Lawrence
  16. Hey it was my birthday today and i am 15
  17. Hey guys, Just wanted to know which do you prefer and why. Also would a monotrial with a 180mm disk fit on my mod smart guy forks? Cheers Lawrence
  18. Would a hope mono trial fit on to my mod forks?
  19. Hey guys, I would like to know how you remove a rear freewheel because when riding the other night my mates freewheel locked and he asked me if i could do anythink about it, so do you need any special tools and the wheel is off an onza t-vee if that helps? Cheers Lawrence
  20. Yeah i've had that problem to i've sent £35 recorded to collage boy and £5 recorded to ben geary last week and they still havn't got it. I have been to my post office and they said the place were they send the letters and parcels before being sent to peoples addresses has gone on strike . So maybe some near you lot have gone on strike to. But my post office said the money should be there by the end of this week (touch wood).
  21. Very nice, what is the GU like to ride and how much did you pay for that gas gas because thats mint!
  22. Well really the bike is very nice to ride even though i ride mod, the adamant is so easy on its back yet still feels manouvarable. It's up to you but still rather than just going along with me try and get a ride on one and also try a few other bikes because i'm 5'10" so it will probally feel much different to you than it does me, but all round it is a very nice bike
  23. What me and my mates had when we learnt all of that was smoothest drop competitions what we would do is get someone to sit near the a drop (they was the judge) and who ever lands it the smoothest wins, and the you go and find a higher one and do that. As well as having allot of fun it also improves your dropping technique!
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