I dont see why people think rock pads are so good, they suck on koxx rim and on the new echo 07 to be honest ,maby im using the wrong rim but my friends ones are c*ap to. This man is right ali-c sells joy pads and there the best pads out there, 1) there a good price £10 plus p&p. 2) have a good wear rate. 3) theres a lot of material on the pads 4) there the best pads i have ever used so dont knock them till you have tried them for £10 you cant go wrong.
Right me and max where talking and he was saying how much he missed his pro 2 because he cant run one anymore becuase he has a modstock, so we where thinking it would be amasing if hope made a mod spaced pro 2. What do you think.
I ordered a set of pads from them then waited 2-3 weeks then called them and they told me they where out of stock , then they offered me 2 sets of rimjams for the same price around £5 off so i thaught it was a goodd deal and then the pads got here only one set and in the wrong colour.
Hello, I just want to hear your views on rear disc. i have never used rear disc on a mod but im currently using it in my stock and im not sure weather i like it or not , I have heard that it has a better feel on mod. So comment away
Hi all sorry about the short notice but porthcawl ride tomorrow, around 12 at the pipe line everyone welcome, please come along . So far it in me,max-t,fat mike,mat burrows and some of the locals
Cheers lol dont worry i havent forgot about your kiss lol i have added you on msn my addys koxx.xtpAhotmail.com so accept me Luke i neva relised you lived so close i have added you on msn again i coudent find your addy before.