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Conor the basher.

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Everything posted by Conor the basher.

  1. oh my god you all retarts apart from max-t. theres a mazzive diffrence, and echo is not flexy at all.
  2. Ride like tanks but very very stiff and bomb proof
  3. Hight means nothing im only 5.9ft and i ride a mbk very very very very very long imo bt feels realy realy nice oh yeah and zoo pythons ride the shizzle sooooooooo nice
  4. No, dont get maggies if you dont have 4 bolt mounts imo. just get a real realy good vee... (avid) and some heatsink pads or somthing
  5. Looks coool, them onzoy things turn me on i might just have to stalk stan for a bit then when he is alone .................... make him give it to me for a small summ of money yeah !!!!!! cheers conor.
  6. I love u and ur soo gay becuase u went and broke your foot and my heart because u no i like using your feet in our sex stuff god chris sort you self out But really, ace riding so ghay about your foot was gunna see you this summer aswell :(:( much love:)
  7. ITs a mint stem !!!!! was just cheacking
  8. Yeah, the thing is every one says zoo stems are strong but Most deng parts are made by 7075T6 harden aluminum, including the stem i belive. but so is the Fsa Os-115 Stem, the only diffrence is the carbon top cap on the fsa stem ? so shouldent they be the same ???????
  9. Me and rob where talking and he thinks that this Fsa Os-115 Stem stem is weak and i think its strong but now he has got me thinking that its going to snap. dose any one no if they are strong ???????? http://www.glorycycles.com/fsaos115stem.html link to the stem cheers.
  10. i like this kid, we have the same name. (koxx browns)
  11. PLease oh please use the search this topic has been done so many times.
  12. I have just changed, it was easy and all i did start small and make my way up, its been two weeks now and i can do it fine.
  13. Yeah it will rub, ive been using the kmc 710 kool chain on mine it rubed a bit for about 5-6 hours then it made little ridges in the bash and works fine now cheers c,
  14. No me and you make a good couple i want to feel your willy.
  15. i very very very very much dout he can bk wheel bar hight but prove me wrong, i was just asking
  16. There is a reson why you don't see as many out there lol echo is the best choice by miles.
  17. That makes no sence at all! Grind your rim and ride in the rain it make it more fun
  18. Im stuck on this stupid bit of the game and i have tryed looking throught the walk throughs but they dont work any one have it ? cheers conor. P.s sorry about the spelling the spell check dont work.
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