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Conor the basher.

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Everything posted by Conor the basher.

  1. Oh dear.... Set your brake up properly, dont grind your rim every 2 weeks .... works for me
  2. Oh dear if my dad was like that i would be out the house in a second, sorry but he was being a twat tbf.
  3. Xbox 360: call of duty 2 call of duty 3 forza 2 project gotham halo 3 gears of war battlefield 2 modern combat.
  4. Can somsone tell me the some in nbr 25 please ??????????????????????????????????????????
  5. Ahh very nice indeed:) did your mbk snap ?? mine did the ozonys ride sooooooooo nice
  6. Meh koxx have a really bad rep for snapping but there acctually really good parts, If you look after koxx stuff ( or any make)properly im sure it will be fine. cheers conor
  7. ...................................... awsom .................................. Nice one buddy really amazing vid
  8. Front bb7 203... rear maggie, braided cross over, coust pads in cnc backings, nicesharp grind, on ozonys frame ( super mega stiff) awsom
  9. To bad matey how ever koxx forks are acctually really good "everything snapes at 1 point "
  10. haa try some cousts in cnc backings with a sharp grind lol if its anything like my back brake you ill be amazed crazy
  11. Thats well gay can u heat it up with a blow torch and bend it back ?
  12. I belive the logo has changed to ( just a pic this time) .... here is the proto
  13. Umm i just spend 650 on ozonys frame and frorks and some little parts chain grips ect and the most was my mbk cost £1920 fully bult
  14. I have a brand new peice of half link chain sitting around i could pop it in the post if you want it ??
  15. We are leaving in about half hour and are heading for capel curig and then from there to llyn ogwen we will be getting in hopfully at about 11 45 but traffic could mean we may be late but will give you a ring if otherwise. Other then that cant wait to meet you lot. By the way this is echo.josh on this account
  16. write it your it your self ......
  17. I bet it looks 10 times better in bright sun Sexyyyyyyyy
  18. Yo all right if its raining we wont be up unfortunatly but we can do it some other time basically my missus and my dad will be there so really we wont be riding any street becuase we dont want to have to be riding around and leveing them behing so just natty for us if fat mike is coming will he be bringing anyone ????? cheers conor
  19. the more the better o saterday we will post a time to meet up
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