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Conor the basher.

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Everything posted by Conor the basher.

  1. And you would no becuase............... lmao The czar looks tasty hto
  2. True !!!!!! Hmmm i didnt like it fr some reason , i had to turn it off half way through i really liked your last one though.
  3. Get a eno off ebay brand new for 50 quid ............
  4. ^^ true ^^^ but hes become a member now wow lmao
  5. Shadow conspiracy there not cheap though £30. You can get them at ( i think its called) winstanlysbmx.com or somthing like that. cheers.
  6. I think that the bike/ frame could look nice, tbf them pictures are abit . However if you where to spray the frame black/silver and put some matching silver/black parts on it i bet that people would say it looked alot nice
  7. Hey, fit bike nath that koxx is soo lush its cracked though isnt it ? whats the wheel base ?? cheers conor
  8. Yo. Josh you are in no situation to be telling somone how to drop gap the reson being you cant even hop yet let alone drop gap. and yeah if you feel your not ready then dont do it but you have to push the limits at some stage
  9. helemt = 20 quid from your loacl bike shop
  10. Hey. I cant really see anyone on this forum saying that wearing a full face helmet is really a good idear for trials, I did however see a semi full face helmet on www.chainreactioncycles.com it looks like a normal helmet but has a mouth/chin protector thing. I will try find a link now buddy Edit: http://chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=10718
  11. Yeah like that topic what danny,s made about ben lazenby and jonny mc and danny,k
  12. oopps 399.00 US dollars = 194.98 British pounds sterling for the bmx hub still cheap, or a am i wrong again.
  13. http://www.aspirevelotech.com/Merchant2/me...gory_Code=RCL32 330.00 US dollars = 161.26 British pounds sterling
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