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Conor the basher.

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Everything posted by Conor the basher.

  1. hmm ill try get it but other wise go to pc world and buy on of them vinyl pc recoder things
  2. Honestly its better i was like most people and said it was wank then i had to get it and its actaully mint you may aswell change becuase soon everything will be designed for it
  3. He hasnt painted the chain ..... im pritty sure that a whipperman bmx chain they come in that colour.
  4. oh my god more tarty xmas cards im going to have orgasm (L)(L) shizzle i want a adam no wait a stan or maby even a ali YEs im a werdi .
  5. Its soo ugly its cool the stock one is fit no dout its shit geo though .....
  6. Hey all. right ages ago i remember someone saying that you could log onto somones msn for like acouple of seconds long enough to write somthing i just wondered how you do it. i cant find the topic ..
  7. I am prob going to get slatered for this but ..... didnt like it really had to turn it off half way trough your geing amazing now but i really dont like your style sorry think ur getting megga hight though
  8. Hmm has th chain got pleanty of tention ? and is it wraped around the cog quite alot some pics would be good ?
  9. Yo i got a surly rear sprocket and made my chain shoter and it sorted it oh and i got a new chai )
  10. Looks good ......... but is it pointless. Well all of us buy our parts ect... online and alot of te stuff you can gt from your local bike shop, trials dosent seem like a big enough sport at the moment to bother opening a trials shop, will there be enought people intrested ? wont most people have to travel to get to a trials shop ( trials-uks one when it opens) when they could oder it online and get it within a few days ?????????? Is it worth it .?
  11. He must like willys:) cool vid though
  12. Stop me if i am wrong ...... but isnt a xtr tool mean for bbs and a freewheel tool is meant for removing freewheels ........ Edit: icetoolz xtr bb tool - Also fits Middleburn spider lockrings. - Knurled section to help you grip the tool when turning the lockring by hand. - Large hex-fitting at the back to slot your favourite adjustable spanner onto ) You sir are using the wrong tool.
  13. Oh my god damon wats have a wank. good clips though
  14. Hmm will it make a diffrence if you try puting the adapter on the other way round......
  15. If i braught a cd i wouldent leagaly be able to make copies and sell them on, just becuase i payed for it dosent mean i can do what i want with it
  16. Start date .......................................... end date ..................................................... Winner recives some of maxs huge c*ck
  17. Yeah im in and i like willys to
  18. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tempting
  19. oh my god there are so many topics on this use the search GRRRRR
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