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El Cristoff

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Everything posted by El Cristoff

  1. Hypocrisy win! And a massive LOL 'm8 iz wel ard iz tweten u ova da intanet'... Get out...
  2. Much prefered Sma's edit to be honest What was the song Sam? Beast riding, enjoyed alot
  3. Random as fook Brightened up my day Cheers for that guys haha!
  4. Haha, i have a scafold in my left ear, and did have my eyebrow peirced but i ripped it out accedently
  5. If its a 20" frame then 19" wheel won't fit, as the mounts will be an inch out of alignment. Looks like you keep your bike or get a new frame made for 19" rear wheels.
  6. Zoo #28 for me. Loved the video and still love it now. Danny Mac's April 09 video was good, But bunnyhop whips on a trials bike... Not really trials is it.
  7. Gotta agree, it doesn't look so nice now Looked sweet before hand though
  8. Haha, thats brilliant Why did the woman cross the road? Who cares? Why she not in the kitchen!? Whats a womans point of view? The kitchen window. Why is tightrope walking and getting a blowjob from your own nan the same type of thing? You don't look down. What do you do if the dishwasher stops? Shout at her.
  9. My girlfriend of 2 years dumped me yesterday 'Because she couldn't trust me' When i have done nothing wrong. Women are c**ts...
  10. I haven't been this excited about something since i was about 12 I actually can't wait, still trying to weigh the reality of actually riding much cause the majority of the time i will have a MASSIVE HANGOVER
  11. The wheelbase is too long, so it makes it unflicky and unresponsive. also the BB is quite low, and again out of preferance, i hate low BB.
  12. In my personal opinion, no, there massivly long and move like a barge.
  13. +1 Nice job mate Looks tidy
  14. Not too shabby Simps, nice vid. Prefered the street to the TGS, but i'm a 24" rider so my biased opinion doesn't count Can't wait to 24tour it up
  15. Get back to your hole!
  16. Brilliant idea, just dont go down a hillor do anything fast where you'll wanna stop pedalling, cause you waont be able to. I can see balls being destroyed here, please film
  17. oh my god! That was literally what i was going to get, and inspired with a rear disk mount Ideas have been stolen. Lemme know how that disk mount holds up, will make me buy one if their really strong and don't die
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