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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. OH MY f**kING GOD THAT WAS HILARIOUS. Ah man, seriously, the funniest joke ever!
  2. That's absolutley brilliant Luke! Must be such a bitch to get the brakes to work at the same time/same power though! Awesome, hope it serves you well!
  3. Monkey like? That's fairly weird, i think it's as weird/rare as being able to lick your elbow.
  4. You do know your arm span is your height, yeah?
  5. I have 3 on my leg in a line, a good straight line, not in size order though. My nan is 68 and she has one.
  6. How did i know that was gonna be Plaza Barber? That place is awesome. Wish there was something like that around here. I don't have one really, i like quite a few, but don't have an absolute favourite.
  7. eh? Yeah, she told me a few days ago, i have been going on about her for ages because i fell in love with her like 8 months ago... and now it's come to a shit end and i really don't like it, then if my mate goes and ends up going out with her or what ever i'm gonna be f**king pissed, because he's known her not even half as long as i have. That's called girl stealing, which isn't on.
  8. Cu nt. Think i saw hayley with ben today, i will be so f**king pissed off with him if he's trying anything.
  9. Simp, that's Joe at the top isn't it?
  10. A wise man once said, 'I am Fat Pants'. Seriously, a wise man called Spode shared his tips with me and a few other guys on a ride, he said eat small things often, that way, you don't feel bloated/full up if you eat a shit load at once, which will affect your riding. And eating small things often will keep your hunger down, and it makes sense.
  11. Them speakers are hugggeeee, especially for having them in your room! Nice. Are they deafeningly loud? And do your neighbours complain when you use them at a nice level?
  12. LEL! What can you expect? I've seen cigarette paper (thin paper y'all!) thicker than your sidewalls Echo 06 were wank, apparently. 07 is sorted out though, Deng made some kind of mistake and they were all cheese.
  13. You have about 30 grand sitting on your desk! Must be near that, given how much brake pads are these days! (in general, not a dig at you) And general trials parts.
  14. If you search solutions84 on google, it's the first Cool i guess, if i lived in east sussex and my comp was raped, i'd deffo search for computer repairs east sussex, nice one.
  15. Get on your bike and back up yourself against a wall or something, and with your knees use the seat to lift the front wheel (wall will make it come up, and not just roll away) and do f**k loads of them. Go both ways, everything, double bar spins etc.
  16. If it would f**king load! stupid youtube, they need to fix things quick!
  17. Probably just cancels each other out. Or makes very little difference. It's a bit like pushing or pulling a trolley (or something similar), either way it moves, just moving it in different ways. OOO, better comparison (i think) soft pads on a smooth rim or hard pads on a ground rim, all the same!
  18. Ah, i thought you had v brake mounts. If the bolt bit doesn't work, get some kind of rod (to hold it straight n stuff, maybe just use the original bolt) in there and put a jubilee clip around it, jubilee clips fix everything. EDIT: f**k, you use adapters don't you, damn it, it'll probably get in the way.
  19. My thoughts on it, don't think it's right but... It's like xl monty pads and the short ones, they both work equally well (probably) because what the long lacks in concentration of pressure, they grab it back with more surface area and vice versa. Same with disc, small surface area = large pressure on one bit, and vice versa. I think that's a fairly good explanation of it, nice and concise, but i think i remember a respectable forum member, think it was either Tomm, or Janson rings a bell, telling me i was wrong. If that was infact a shit explanation, do tell and i'll try write a better one.
  20. Oh dear word i look merked. I was f**king drunk remember, and i think the camera f**ked it a bit more.
  21. Question: Who is jealous of this thing my friend is building? In his garden... Will be finished tomorrow, he hopes. (he's a bmxer)
  22. Awesome! Really unique (don't make the new t rex that colour when they're released). Didn't do a bad job of it either, i think.
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