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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Soundsticks are the most beautiful things ever. Apart from some other things. But they're sooo cool looking.
  2. I know you personally and intimately lol. You're just hiding your feelings, i can tell you're kicking yourself for posting it
  3. Hope Mono rear hub (taken from his profile) That's the hub, it's just skipping? Sometimes it doesn't engage properly(?) and does it, i'm fairly sure 80% of freesomethings (freewheels, freehubs etc) will skip once or twice in their life...
  4. Tommy knows it, i think, the mavic something 731something or something (hmm, maybe EX721 is the new name for it, i remember something like that changing) rims are strong as fock? And are lighter than any wide rear rim even when drilled...
  5. 1. If you're refering to me, yes, i'm an animal. 2. if not... Board Statistics Our members have made a total of 957496 posts We have 7977 registered members The newest member is Reece26 Most users ever online was 795 on Jul 6 2007, 11:25 PM +whole of internet.
  6. He's used up too much website and they've suspended it, or, he hasn't paid his bills to the provider, it'll be back up when he gets them paid. Until then:
  7. Trousers shirt and tie at least. Trust me, i've been told by many an employer that if you wear a suit you're more likely to get the job, even if it's just something like macdonalds, always wear a suit/ nearly a suit. I wore a suit without the jacket and i'm now employed in halfords, being a bike mechanic.
  8. Don't wear stuff that will show if you get oil/blood on them, as if you're applying for 'bike mechanic' they'll ask you to build a bike, and i caught my thumb on a big box staple and got blood n my new blue shirt Suits always win the interviewer over. Build the bike well, it's pretty much all they assess you on, they'll talk to you/ask questions first but that's nothing really, not like an office job where the interview you for hours, just make sure you build that bike well.
  9. *cums in pants* CAN'T WAIT! Don't think i saw e22 of last season though Might have to have a search around, not sure if the usual places had it.
  10. REBLEED! I'm thinking it's just because the poker bit on the tpa is threaded at the unscrewed end, but i rebled mine and it now never skips, just rebleed it with the tpa ALLL the way off and see if that works... But probably, you need a new tpa.
  11. Gonna be honest here. Didn't like the new one, fair enough (i respect him for this) he didn't label it as parkour/freerunning, but i hate what he did in the video (tricking or some gay stuff), it's basically gay gymnastics, nothing cool, i get extremely pissed off when people label this gay shit gymnastics as pk/freerunning, because it's NOT, it's gymnastics. However, his original video (posted first) was absolutley awesome, was proper freerunning/parkour.
  12. Your Vee is fine, just needs some decent pads, have a look through tartybikes' pad category and look for any pad that's suitable for a smooth rim, if you don't intend on grinding, then get some hs33 to vee adapters and you'll be sorted. Rim wise, try all are the lightest i think, but there's nothing in it, it's a matter of 50g i think.
  13. Woah@ animal look a likes, nadine, your cat is pretty much the same as mine... Pic soon i guess. I'll see if i can fool my sister with that pic, tell her it's our cat, that'll be the ultimate test
  14. A dengura, if they can afford it. But seriously, i have no idea.
  15. Or is it? Yeah, i can't see them being too bothered, just make sure you don't try bring drugs in at the same time, leave that for the next trip
  16. Another view of the hugge container to skip gap by Martin! BEAST. Vid soon maybe, just of that drop gap though... Cool pics. Uhh, who were you? Sorry.
  17. NEXT ONE IS ON A SATURDAY, please Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  18. OH MY WORD. Nasttyyyy, that's so f**ked up, i can't laugh at Mat Orr something now, because it was so sick. Will hopefully be all over the internet soon! Then you'll be famous.
  19. Safe! Good ride, shame some of my boyos (tom_132, sheeman) weren't there, the gays! Deffo good to see everyone. Blah, yeah, everything was good.
  20. I have plenty of modulation. I don't sidehop to the left, or at all.
  21. Take em out the box and oil em up a bit? So it looks like you bought them to the country for a friend to borrow and you're now taking them home. They probably don't know what they are anyway.
  22. In which case... Curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy curvy Pipe knows.
  23. On behalf of simpson (just sent me two texts) 'd. Yanke u wid accoioninghead remind me of that i drunk an smoked well 2much illegan substances last night an u an anally penetrate it 2morra he i bend over He Im sleeping now incase the bed bugs come an attack me bum xXx LOL, simpsons gonna be riding shit today by the sounds of it
  24. No siman, Joe lives in Essex. And definetly doesn't go to your school.
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