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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Ash! You've let yourself down, you're known for speaking your mind and not giving a shit, why didn't you just tell them to pipe the f**k down then twat the little c**ts? Surprising... They sound like right bellends though, trials is getting bigger but getting full of chavvy f**ks.
  2. Which display pic, it's changed a few times since then, sorry. But i don't know anyone called stu, i don't think.
  3. Upload to rapidshare.com or something please, youtube doesn't wanna load it any quicker than a second an hour.
  4. http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/2854/dsc00311fn2.jpg btw. Looks good, upgrade it to the Ti if you want, obviously it's a 'better' frame as it's being sold for more and is advertised as the better model.
  5. Right, should have been left though me thinks. I play snooker left handed. Play the other type of bed snooker left or right. Write right. Right foot is my choco foot. Right arm/hand is stronger. Right footed in foozball or what ever. Right handed in raquet sports. Right handed on the comp. Wow, i'm bored.
  6. Awesome, will have to speak to the riders who go on this forum? Please This is for Cycle 2007 isn't it? Above still stands if it is. Be cool to meet you guys. I can always jump in if anyone is sick? Or i could be Team Fat Pants reprezentin' TF!
  7. I find shouting 'nipples' spontaneously helps liven things up. Or, if you're looking to go home with this girl/boy, compliment her, tell her 'your eyes smell beautiful tonight' or something similar.
  8. lel. 2reiteraet, was GOOOOOOOOOD. lol juet sitin here wasted , falluin aselep absically, no sickmnss yet too. awesome. really godo ngthe.
  9. ariel atm= thread fin9ishe.r. bezt cart ever decsibnex.
  10. cleanin up all the fouasandsa aof cans n shit. ediy: i have hicups
  11. loolasjakes. gonna hve quitw a bit to elean uo tiomoto.
  12. yehh mate, goof yirm! venough poepple, nuff booz, byob uc, but yeh, sick party, was good, wastecx owgood party, didnt mhave much times wth haykry nbuy dyill all fodo , abot 20 people came, half wrty ergilels and im swayin all abot t ebloace, all good, ghood apwty. kegend.
  13. If your local petrol station is any good, it should have it, i got 500ml of it from mine for 3/4 quid, and this petrol station is pretty much a rip off!
  14. I'm thinking about giving dual disc a go, so something like a Czar disc and 4 bolt, but i don't know what they ride like so i'm not gonna make any decisions yet. Why?
  15. Killing in the name of, is called killing in the name of lol.
  16. Yup, you can, Mr Chai uses one and it's fine (as far as i know, it works though)
  17. http://rapidshare.com/files/57068599/The_S...rban_Mashup.mp3 Might wanna put that in your first post
  18. First time? Wow... Better not be beginners luck Uploading to rapidshare now, at least it will download at full speed (was going at about 50kbps for me, on a 500kbps line from MU) Definitely awesome.
  19. Oh dear lord. THAT WAS f**kING AWESOME. I could listen to this all day! Seriously, this is absolutley f**king awesome, best yet! Mixing is spotttt on, tune selection is perfect, everything, awesome. Love the bass, subs getting a real work out You sir, just gained +100 respect. DJ my party tomorrow please? Actually, will have to play this at the shoobs tomorrow, saves fiddling around with getting some decent tunes on (for 30 mins anyway), because they're all there for 30 mins.
  20. Cool, only 8 mins through but it's good to see you've reached out into new (?) genres! First impressions are good, i'll wait until i've listened to all of it before i say it's awesome this time, no doubt it will be awesome though. As much as i hate the people who do it, the grime in it is good, well done.
  21. Ryans already said deffo saturday It's gay that we have this problem here, but like, i dunno, this isn't gonna be big so you're not missing out on too much, except seeing me
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