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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. What's happened? I think the best idea would be for me to tell you to shut up, and stop trying to act tough? A mate of mine (follows everything he sees, like films etc) had his sister being called up by his half friend calling her a scotish bitch, so he went to his house trying to act all hard and burly with these sticks and he just wanted to act tough, in the end they ended up sitting down on a kerb talking because he thought that would make him look cool or something, he's a tit.
  2. Cheers, he found it after i posted it here, personally didn't watch much of it, because it was taking like a min per second to load, which is gay slow.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBohjpcsHeU Please
  4. Spode used a ghettttoo coke bottle lid when his tensioner went tits up, lasted the WHOLE day and he only had to put it back in once, was awesome. Your ones fairly good, should be good, just as someone said, it's your hanger you wanna worry about.
  5. was at first, but then it was ok, just a small gatherin to be honest. bout 5 other people should have came though, but they didnt cos theyre gay.
  6. just got into my room lol. i has drunked 5 beers but im not pissed enough to type dodgily, but yeh, was a totasl NON sausage fest, 1 dude (me) and 3 girls, hayley beth and mel.. was goodish, but no one came! wankers! was ok though, hayley drew 'twat' on my head with make up of some sort and then drew a penis on my face. was ok though, but a bit dead.
  7. When he turnt up at the door, you should have done the old window garden fence fence road run jobby, holding all your clothes instead of wearing them, for effect But really, if your dad really thinks she's using you, that's a bit justified, him coming round trying to stop things/get you home, but in all honesty, is there anything/way she could be using you for? And don't be silly about this, be honest to yourself, i know that'll be hard, but if she's using you you'll find out sooner or later and it'll be worse if you do hit it off (deeper cuts or what ever it is)
  8. Your dads being a bit of a wank, fair enough, you lied to him, but <PAUSE>i'm not sure about who ellie is, she your gf or anything? does your dad know you like her or is your gf? </pause> if he knows you're going out or you like her (parents can usually tell) that's fairly cuntish, i'm gonna have a stab in the dark and say, when you next see him or he rumbles you for going round to ellies say 'would you like your mum or dad to stop you from seeing the girl you really like when you were young/my age?' Then when he says no, say 'DON'T f**kING DO IT TO ME THEN' and storm off into your room for a few days and make your self cry. btw, last bit was a bit extreme or what ever, but yeah, adapt that, i think the don't f**king do it to me then bit is what you should work on doing. Also, i have no idea who it is on your account, so that's why i don't understand who ellie is to you (rory?) n stuff.
  9. I've been over friendly lately, like, at the opportunity i say she's sexy or something. For instance, i'm watching a vid or something, or actually staring at her, then she says (on msn btw, webcam) stop staring at me, so i go 'well, if i was as sexy as you wouldn't you stare at me all the time?' n stuff like that, but i'm not doing anything until she's single.
  10. Bugger, her friend sat inbetween me and her, and she was all over her friends shoulder cos of the bits in superbad (eww kinda bits), SHOULD HAVE BEEN MY SHOULDER lol. Bit bum, but meh i guess. Another time
  11. No one wants to hear my squeaky unbroken fat panted voice?
  12. Dirty 30 + Palace Youth It's a cool thing to be in, i'd love to get fully envolved but y'know, people die in these tear ups, things get a bit out of hand and i really don't wanna be on the receiving end of a scaffolding pole or something, love supporting palace at the games though, good fun taking the piss out of the away fans etc, there's always a lairy 13 year old chavvy fanny of some sort at the front (no matter who we're playing) and he/ the group always get the piss taken out of them.
  13. Top cap over the steerer, bolt in, as if you were tightening it all up with the forks in the bike, tighten up and it will pull it to the top, then pull it out with a claw hammer or something.
  14. Fixed Pants™


    Reeeet, i have now got skype and need to talk to people (fish's sex chat is getting boring) and i think we want to have a mass tf conference. So, leave your skypes here, mine's fat.pants. (pretty sure this is a repost, just joe is gay and told me to make another topic)
  15. Maybe put a fat notice thing up, saying 'If the ref hasn't got a link, don't belive it!' if it was to be moved to a place like .co.uk/refs or something?
  16. I think they should be kept on tf, but hidden away nicely so they're not in the way n shit, maybe keep them on something like www.trials-forum.co.uk/oldrefs or something or other?
  17. Possibly. But i dunno, she said he's been moody as i said, but that could be because he never sees her? etc etc... To reiterate, I'm NOT going to try it until she's free, i don't want her to be f**ked over decisions or what ever. btw, i know this doesn't rule out feelings but she met him in france on the off chance, i've known her for 1.3 odd years by now... So it'd probably just be a we get on well kinda relationship, hard to explain, but it could be a for the sake of it relationship, not a oh my god i'm in love with you one.
  18. It's true, but i'm NOT going to try and get with her until she's not taken, that would be pointless as she wouldn't have it, she's no slag, she's a lovely girl and unfair on him.
  19. Na, Simon has a point, however, their relationship isn't going great, they've seen each other 5 times in how ever many months they've been going out, he lives on the complete opposite side of london, it's not going well and he's being moody/a willy all the time, she's also not too happy with it, and said 'maybe it's over, who knows, who cares' basically...
  20. Simon, I'm not trying to get with her. Yet. And, it's half over with her and him anyway. Also, Rothwell is right, safe.
  21. Cinema it is, superbad it is. She's back with him now, it wasn't off apparently, meh, i'll have to wait.
  22. Na, it'll be waste, she probably doesn't even like ice skating, dunno what to do ffs, tempted to just get drunk in a park Wanna come Joe? There's an extra bird for you lol. Gah. I'd say some sort of a cool meal (pizza hut ***) but knowing me, i ('ll) probably eat like a pig lol, not a good impression.
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