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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Kinda not... That'll make his stomach muscles bigger, increasing the belly...
  2. No lol Waterloo is the best station to go to. Get the tube from Paddington to Waterloo
  3. I'm sure he'd rather have a job than have the number of a girl who he sees once a week.
  4. I'm guessing all the usual spots between the shell centre, then inbetween and to tate, cross the river to st pauls if people are feeling ballsy, then probably tower bridge. I have a DSLR now too, so i think i might just bring that along.
  5. But it's a bit awkward doing that, he might get a warning or something from his supervisor or whoever.
  6. Her shopping bag. Or even just give it to her with the receipt.
  7. Shit, forgot to add, put it in her bag or something, don't make it too obvious kinda thing. I dunno, now i look back at it, doesn't seem like such a good idea lol
  8. Get one of them advertising cards or even a small bit of paper with your number on saying 'call me <number> till guy x' or something? Simpson got given a birds number like that, probably not a bad idea? *Awaits everyone to tell me i'm a tit*
  9. LOL. Gonna phone you up and ask for something obscure like uni cycle handle bars, should be a pisser.
  10. You in medway or something? What number is it? I'll give you a call sunday if i remember, and i'll ask you if you've got any sus 550s in stock lol, for shits and giggles.
  11. Rob knows it. One of the full timers here is a proper joker, makes me laugh so much... But also comes up with aces ideas n stuff, an asset to the company lol. But yeah, it's all good, the non new guys, i see them as mates more than collegues now. I'm rambling on but yeah, goooood. And again, our deputy manager is JOKES, he keeps things in shape but has a laugh at the same time, and the proper manager isn't too bad either, quite laid back. I'd like to take a second to thank Rob Walker, my husband, wife and f**k buddy, for telling me about the job being available, wouldn't have done it without you babes (L)
  12. I didn't do this, but i would advise you to; go to the one you want to work in (if there's more than one local) and try to find out if the people that work there are c**ts or not. I work with safe people so i enjoy it a lot more, most of them are safe as houses, ones a bit street but is still fine, new guys aren't too bad, just a bit in their shell still. All good.
  13. Reds are wank. Coust are like, theee best pads out there.
  14. 225 on a Canon 350D 20 quid on an angle grinder 32 quid on coustsinks 12 quid on a replacement iPod mini screen about 7 quids worth of little things on ebay (ipod cable, headphone to phone adapter n stuff) 80 quid to my mother 20 to my sister Other stuff i can't remember... Nope, you won't get taxed at all.
  15. I reckon i've somehow got about 100 quid left from that 505, wtf.
  16. I did At the failing coffee shop thing! That show is jokes, sooo random n stuff. EDIT: Last night Hazmonds.
  17. Same. Make it a thursday or something and i'll come along if i can make it Brighton preferably.
  18. LOL. Just found this on the camera from christmas, in the full pic (which has my sister and nan in it, so you're not seeing it) i look SO tall... But yeah, i was pulling a funny face and making my eyes dodgy. (Halfords uniform brap! Went to my nans straight from work, boxing day i think)
  19. Shit beans! That looks painful. I take it you rolled it? And it's not broken? Hope it heals up nice and quick though.
  20. Btw, pulled is Toms word for kissed/madeout/got off/got with. Tard Can't help you or anyone here though, cos we all know i'm a shitter with girls, sorry.
  21. Boss, why you on your final warning? I got 515 before tax, got taxed 8.80 for national insurance and that's it. Apparently though, i didn't get double pay for both bank holidays i worked, only one. Buggered me.
  22. Safe, it's logical though, i might aswell make mistakes while she's not that good looking than manage to find a really fit bird and f**k it up within a week. We've been texting for the last half hour or whatever, she seems pretty friendly towards me n stuff, said she's invite me if anything like a party or similar happens this weekend, said the same back n stuff. Wonder how it will go, I dunno, think she'll want to just be friends or will we end up getting off again towards the end of the night? Cos it'd be a bit weird just ignoring what happened n shit, but wouldn't be very just mates if we did end up going stuff.
  23. I'm not nervous or anything. I'm not after her for a year long relationship, just a bit of a fling if it pans out like that, and as i've just told tom, it's experience isn't it? That was the first time i ever kissed a girl saturday so i think i could do with the exp. She isn't that fit but why would i wanna f**k it up with a fit girl? She just text me saying wadup sorry i didnt add u, my comps buggered n stuff, so i guess she's talking to me and not trying to give me the finger.
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