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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. I used to be a cnut for that. When sitting in the car, i'd line up numberplates with the wipers, got right on my tits 'cos i couldn't stop doing it. Pick my nose quite a lot. Lazy as f**k. Accidently, if i'm using a 2 button mouse or a mouse that has an easy click on it, i'll rest my fingers on the right click and will keep accidently pressing it just from resting my finger on it. Quite a few more that i can't think of.
  2. http://www.zshare.net/audio/5004905f09add8/ Well i was gonna post it in the happy thread or the what are you listening to thread, but thought it deserved more than that! Love every bit of it. Check out their myspace too: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=277684581
  3. I always spend my wages the day i get them if possible. So how much did you get and i'll help you blow it. What interests you?
  4. Should be coming to this, gonna have to pull a sickie to get to it though Simpson driving me ***.
  5. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - High Contrast http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=52823609 LISTEN!
  6. Oil doesn't conduct electricity Problem is, your whole house is gonna smell like a f**king chippy once it heats up
  7. Think i booked it off today But i think i might have said June tit lol. (Easily changed, don't worry)
  8. Neither if you want a proper RC car. Have a look around www.modelsport.co.uk, it's the tarty of RCing.
  9. Halfords will fit it for a small fee. And if anything goes wrong, you can just blame it on the poor Halfords monkey that fitted it. But don't, cos that's now gonna bite me in the arse Is it the Mk1 Punto?
  10. Not best... Only. Best would have to be about 45 mins and getting fed up and finishing.
  11. It's not as good as my own, no. I think all guys find that. Yeah, i reckon it could have lasted that long really, she was properly going for it though. If it was at a mid speed i wouldn't have finished for a good while lol. Kinda had to force it too...
  12. I'll have you know, I lasted at least 15 mins of her properly going for it with her hand with about 5 mins of mouth. Not bad going.
  13. Why are people saying i wont get laid? Considering what we did when we weren't even going out, and then that she wanted it the night after when we still weren't going out, i think i'm gonna be having sex quite often...
  14. Quality! Someone knows his stuff I had a mini dirt bike, cheap chinese thing. After about a year i put a new engine in for no reason, kinda because it was labelled 'performance' but it didn't need it... I then sold it on after 2 years of a good ragging which i gave it. Raced it at the track and beasted it over the field by my house. It's still going strong with the 2nd owner. Cheap chinese things are brilliant.
  15. Chances are you've f**ked your frame by blow torching it. Make sure you're turning the right way is the best advice in this thread.
  16. Fixed Pants™


    With my Zoos tilted just a bit further back than vertical, it feels soo bmxy, can pull the front end up no problem and can spin a lot more, and after a day it'll feel the same way it did when they were very tilted forward. Tilted forward quite a bit is just a trialsy style, but i think being able to pull the front end up easily is a very good thing. Means i can bunny hop about 30 inches too (bmx style bunny hop) and also 180 in a bmxy way. The theory part is kinda just a length/height of bars fine tune maybe? But i don't see how it affects it that much...
  17. If you want GNARRRR tyres, just for form and not that much function, check: http://www.sweetskinztires.com/sweetskinztires/products.aspx Pimpest tyres ever.
  18. Sod that for a laugh. They will rape quicker, ending up black in about 4 weeks. And the blackness of black tyres is created by carbon, which these white tyres don't have, and carbon is a hard wearing property.* *Dunno if this is right, just what i've read on a reliable website, can't remember what it was though... And i probably haven't repreached it right either. EDIT: Sam, that's for a front... Rear is 15.99 on CRC.
  19. Nothing ever happened after 3 months for me. I didn't do part 2 of that thick booklet thing either... Must be cos i'm so good Yeah... They just let me get on with it i think. Or may have forgotten about me lol.
  20. Good point. I'll try get some ID ASAP... You say your events are free? Or was that another DJ? Gonna have to chav some money off my mum to get the ID, but she owes me anyway.
  21. She'll be here, cos she's coming back to mine after drinking at Traf. Yeah, might just be. But i highly doubt i'll be a melty man (lol scopse), quite the opposite lol
  22. Is decent 10 quid fake ID workable at these places? And could i just not come with you, and say i'm part of your crew? lol
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