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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Ha. I'll have you know, it was 30 odd mins, not even near to finishing, after some blowing i eventually finished myself off cos we would have been there all night.
  2. That was a seriously good video. I think it's on par with the old skool East Coast vid (the 20 odd min long one) and that's saying something. Well done.
  3. Anyone else started to feel some pain downthere since reading this? lol
  4. So did it just twist itself? Or was it twisted with eachother? LOL though. Hope it never happens to me lol.
  5. He looks nothing like me? Could i have the link to his myspace please? So i can look at other pics...
  6. Apparently i look like Pauly. Anyone got any pics of him?
  7. Yeah, again, sorry about that Mark. I'm such a tit. Bike's nice though. Can people shut up about the bad sides of things please? I don't mind people ripping me 'cos it didn't happen, but is there any need for that Jon? And no one add her on myspace for f**ks sake.
  8. Not sure, but i think you're meant to start practicing into a foam pit? Probably a good idea to do so anyway...
  9. No. It's broken you neek, it was in my screen name for about a week. I had no control over it. Her sis was in the room with us most of the time too.
  10. Went back to hers... Her lil sis was in, and her mum came back earlier than expected. Gay.
  11. What about BMXs? Should have mine by then so I'm tempted to bring it. That's if I do go...
  12. *Gspot. Lol yeah, well called Barber. Na, i don't mind talking about it n stuff on here, but i will e-rape people if they contact her and try and be a fanny about anything.
  13. Bros before hoes yeah? Oh and boing boy, whoever you are (), it's cos she wrote in huge font, in the form of a myspace comment 'GSpot' and some other stuff. So i said that. Yeah, and Barber, April, that's been in the happy thread already...
  14. I be Fat Pants Yeah, me and Ben (veteran, been riding for about 7 years now) ride quite regularly, in West Wickham and Bromley, there's a lot to ride around there. Do you have MSN by any chance?
  15. Subways. Jizzed. Oh Yeah is one of my favourite tunes, it's f**king awesome. Gotta listen to it f**king loud and rock out with your cock out to it! Love it. Gonna have to go, it looks like such a laugh every year.
  16. Twice as far as i know, and that was a while ago... I'll do me best
  17. Well i was more than touching the sides with 2 fingers so you know.
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