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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. That pic is hilarious Ben. SOOO pissed i missed that photo. Awesome shots though.
  2. Use the TF galleries batch upload, whack em all in a zip file and upload
  3. What stories? lol. Which one were you sorry? ahh i remember now. Some beast riding from you! On the way home, at the station i was changing at, i saw a biggg football hooligan fight, like 20 on 20ish. Chelsea and fulham f**king eachother up. Was good.
  4. Sorry for shooting off to the station guys! I JUST got on my train, some woman was holding the doors for her mate which meant i got on :D Was a brilliant day, i did hardly any riding though Got about 300 pics. Was an hour late as i f**ked up train times, meant i didn't get in the group photo which i'm rather sad about. Many laughs, which was great. As Marr said, it was more of a social event instead of a ride... So much to say but i'm KNACKERED. Also feels like i'm swaying because i've been on trains for 5 hours today.
  5. What time are people gonna be riding till roughly? Latest i can leave is like 8 30.
  6. I'd say carry on as usual, give her a few and then see how she feels... No piece of ass is worth a friendship. EDIT: Do you feel the same way?
  7. Ah, drunkness, excuses sex boasting. You have been excused, luckily.
  8. That wasn't big, funny, or clever JT. We all know guys who boast about sex don't get any. If you do get 'nuff, you're not meant to boast.
  9. That was in her words. She said she's not gonna joke about it.
  10. Na, she's told me from now on (ages ago) i'm not gonna joke about it.
  11. Feckings sake. Her blob should have started 5 days ago apparently. She seriously says she couldn't get rid of it. Argh.
  12. Hmm, i dunno, i just reckon it'd be quite nice, in a 'i can walk around and feel naked but not get arrested' kinda way. We all know nakedness is pure comfort. Sleeping naked is probably the best proof.
  13. That's a b*****d of a bet. Couldn't you just have bet over who could balanace the most 1ps on their hand?
  14. I'll have a go. But mediafire is such a shitface of a host, so slow n stuff. I'll have a listen in about an hour when it finishes. EDIT: Finally finished, but i don't recognise it
  15. Probably feels quite nice to wear? But it's most probably because it'll let the sweat away from his body...
  16. f**k arse! As i just explained to Balman, the first time i work a saturday in ages and you go and organise a ride on saturday.
  17. Placebo - Every me every you. Tuneee.
  18. When i bought a rear mod wheel from Tarty, they put old wide sellotape rolls around the axles to stop them from being f**ked/poke out, then it was simply binbagged up with a layer or bubble wrap inside the binbag as far as i can remember... And plenty of tape.
  19. Hmm, if possible, i reckon it'd be a good idea for everyone to get their name on a normal t shirt/their shop shirts (like a TB or HSB shirt) to avoid the awkward 'are you ___?' 'No' *feels awkward) situations... Plenty of time to scrape up the dorrah too
  20. Honestly, i got bored after the first paragraph, but did read all of it and it wasn't harsh enough, she sounds like a dick to me. Give it to her, and put a used (unknotted) jonny in with it.
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