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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. No, he uploaded them, which is much worse. That's definitely something I stay away from, as it means you're the cause of thousands of other people getting it.
  2. Possiblyyy. Where's the nearest station?
  3. Why's that funny? Hendrix, i don't even use AOL software.
  4. AOL, 8mb, i'm paying for 2mb as they gave me the upgrade free. Only once has my line f**ked up. And that was fixed in 48 hours. Always get 6mb and i'm not particularly close to the exchange. And, AOL aren't part of the crack down. What more could you want?
  5. Think i wanna go away from the goldness, gonna debuild the rear wheel and sand it all down to silver... And spray the rims white. Need something else white though, possibly just forks... Yeah the stickers are cool for a few days, so i guess it's been a few days by now. Gotta keep the DJ sticker though.
  6. Got this the other day. It still needs a bit of attention (new headset me thinks, and cut the rear 4 bolts down because they hit the frame before they properly clamp the slaves ) and it's also gonna be sprayed up soon. Thinking of keeping the frame the same colour and making the black parts white, not sure about the silver bits though. It's a f**king good job I got off my arse and went downstairs to take these pics, because someone had left the garden doors open, fully. Spec is the same as the T-Pro with the addition of a gigapipe BB, tensile cranks, Try-All 108.9 freewheel and the frame of course Rides nice, think it's about 1040 so a lot longer than my T-Pro but it's a nice change.
  7. Love it. Just need to get rid of the nasty T-Pro colour... And get a booster because i bet that brake flexes like a bitch!
  8. Awesome. Remember guys, i doubt it's much more dangerous impactwise than riding a bike on normal floor. Just the risk of drowning is present. That's all. Looks like good fun though. I'd certainly try some crazy stuff if it was me.
  9. Cheers guys. It was a tired day for me, and i was pretty ill with a cold so that's my excuse for the pics not being all that good. They look better than i thought though. Pics of the leeson will be up soon. With a big question - what colour shall i spray the black parts?
  10. I use a 1.95-2.125 tube on the rear, with a Creepy Crawler, and have never gotten a pinch, and i've had it at least a year. Just run a decent pressure (at least/around 20psi) and you'll be fine. What rim are you running?
  11. Listened to the June one today whilst riding 20 odd miles, was so awesome. Felt so pumped up. All of the mixes are spot on, really like them. You just keep getting better and better.
  12. Awesome stuff man. Still need to ride some of that gay natural shit with you, either at Herne Bay or Toad Rocks, maybe this weekend at the rocks?
  13. Jesus christ! Thought it was actually it Will DL all of 'em.
  14. Gay, made up a slightly whitty reply, but it was so failorific. Ok ok i fail
  15. Pretty cool man. Were you riding the adamant (?) with pink rims?
  16. Hmm, well i'll take the crank into work tomorrow and take the [shit] freewheel off and have a look. Seriously, try-alls are wank. Skipped 4 times at least today. And another guys died today. Seen so many go wrong.
  17. It wasn't technical help... It's just i was asking who was to blame and if he should pay or whatever? And with the thread correction bit, fair play, but it's gonna have taken metal off = it's not got all the metal that a normal, unf**ked crank has, however, it seemed to be fine today and tall rob was beasting it around, along with a few others. So i think i'm just gonna ride it until it goes. iCharlie gave me a 6061 echo crank today anyway (cheers), so i might be alright. Do you sell non drive sides only? I say it because people don't know what i'm like off this forum, just saying it to let people know i'm not just some person who knows how to fix a puncture and fit a set of bars...
  18. With a sock. With his face. With a note saying 'Danny 'Special' Kearns punched me in the face then kicked me in the ribs'.
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