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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. I have a thing for Andrex. Wouldn't say no to Hannah either. Post up your myspace so we can all add you and enjoy?
  2. All you have to put up with is some red stuff coming out once a month. When we have gfs, we've gotta put up with some realllll f**king shit, 97.4512% of the time. Riddle me this; why does my ex always try to get one up on me? She tries to make me think getting rid of her was a bad idea etc, like taking particularly scantily clad pics of herself and showing them to me, and generally making shit up, thinking i'd believe it. But in reality, she should know that i see through EVERYTHING, including the shit she does.
  3. Sams pulling out cos he's a massive fassy hole. Should be out anyway though. 07837990463 - text me about 10 30 if you're up for riding. Andy, come or i'll punch you in the wrist.
  4. Me and Sam F from Kent are gonna be riding tomorrow. Will try and get a few people out too. 12 at sloped walls?
  5. IT'S A TARP! But really, deffo a scam if it's from another country and very weird.
  6. ENO if possible... But Tensiles seem to be a good bet, haven't actually used one though.
  7. Tryalls are shit. They break very easily and quickly.
  8. Bongo, nice suggestion Gotta see that sketch.
  9. Fixed Pants™


    HAHAHAHAHA. SKY LOLOLOL. Stick with AOL, they're not pledging into this piracy crackdown. Just phone AOL up and get them to sort it. Probably a minor setting issue.
  10. Garage Classics - Vol 2 Summer Edition. Mint as.
  11. Plyers are for girls. Any corner of any object will do.
  12. That was so so so awesome. Props to everyone who was involved in that vid. Really really enjoyed that.
  13. How much Chai? I'm in need of money so not as cheap as you can get (if you're buying em that is...)
  14. I had some pasta boobs once. I was drunk and ate some raw, f**king skank. Bike ones are cool though. Just need to route through the pack and cut all the seats off
  15. Nope, that's the stone circle. Sloped walls are across the grass from the London Eye. You gonna be going to Waterloo East?
  16. Chai - i have some Monty FFW cranks with an ENO, square taper though, doubt you use that... Wally - 07837990463.
  17. Yeah but he has the right to say f**k off, because it clearly stated that he won't post to Germany, whether it's a scam or not.
  18. And will be forgetting where he left his zimmerframe (which will be a Czar)
  19. Happy bday for yesterday Really are a senior member now
  20. Yeah a bottle opener by the sounds of it. Sainsburys?
  21. Tell him to get f**ked for this too; you listed it as 'Post to: United Kingdom'
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