It's not that time again, but fricks sake. Working in London, loads of hot chicks about. Know i'm only ever gonna see them once or twice though, and they're usually older than me, so that's out of the window. Then when i do know a hot chick, she's either proper hard to judge, or totally innocent. Basically, she'll act all flirty like letting me touch her boobs if i 'give her 2 quid' (as a joke) which was basically an invite for me to get a bit touchy with her, but then she seems to be doing it for drinks at the pub. And me and a mate are both on it because she's perfect on paper. She's friggin' hot, really nice to talk to, and generally gf material, but me and my mate are skeptical as to whether she'd stick around for long. I think she does it to get everyone under her thumb, so she gets free nights n stuff. Then when a properly decent girl comes along, she's out of reach, despite there being a mutural like (i think, which i reckon could get stronger with time. Which is a bad thing, cos it's not doable). Then i got a girl who i'm sure wants me (that girl i got with at her house, who i thought would be a f**k buddy lol). She wants to come back to mine after the huge rave at SeOne, despite the fact we're gonna get back at like 8 in the morning. And she generally seems to want me (not just me being overly sensitive to things) Other girls too which have obstacles stopping it. So gay. Anyone else?