Hmm, spose, but, she is friggin fit, and not at all slutty, and she didn't mean it in a harsh kinda way, just as a 'don't try it Glen' way because i was jokingly trying all sorts last night.
Hahah. f**k you Dave, i'm hot I got her good last night at the pub, she said even if i had the biggest knob ever (i was telling a mate that my camera at raves must make girls think i have a big cock cos she always gets her boobs out for the cam) she still wouldn't look twice at me, so i told her to look over there then she looked back, so i was like haha you looked at me twice. Sleep with me?
drunk thread too. drunk. very. pub, then after party, sweeeeeeeet. some good shit went down, shame somepeople were being gay taking my drink n stuff but still gd. yeh.
Didn't say it would, but it will make they nice feeling brakes. I didn't think of changing the leverage though... Good point. Also, better levers like Avid SD7s adjusted for most leverage and less cable pull could help a lot.
Do they feel particularly spongy? They usually have quite a rough surface from new, then once that's smoothed itself out, it'll be good and you'll be able to set the brakes up even tighter. EDIT: However, they are just generally shit.