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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. If she doesn't show you what she's been sending, she's up to something, tell her straight, if you don't show me whats in your sent box, i'm off. She'll shit herself and will show you, then you know if she's a slag or not. If there's nothing of interest, just tell her 'well what was i supposed to think' and blag how you wouldn't even trust your mum or whatever...
  2. No way has that been a year! That's crazy! Hope things are doing great up there...
  3. Pretty good that. Totally agree with Mike though, needs some oomph. And then it'll be pretty awesome.
  4. Hardcore freeride frame, NS surge.
  5. My char? Meh, what does it matter now? She was ages ago.
  6. My post on what i should do disapeared I've had 7.5 hours sleep tonight already, so i'm f**ked as i have work at 11 30 and usually get up about 10ish, think i'll have to stay up until 7ish and get some refreshment sleep and i should be ok...
  7. Well, no more stores have them last time i checked, a few weeks ago... And as the 09s exist i don't think there was any left. If you do find one though, they're alright, chromo so nice and strong etc, just unbranded parts.
  8. Old topic. Can't get em anymore too.
  9. Why is it riding like twat? Controlled, smooth and fair enough it's a bit windy windy, but rarely riding like a twat.
  10. Haha, good point. But it proves they're not gay, people just like to call them gay because deep down, they know they would never be man enough to ride a fixie brakeless on busy roads. Even though i've ridden trials, since riding fixed, my legs have stengthened SO much. And to do tricks on a fixie is so friggin hard. I still think trials is THE hardest sport to learn, because it's sooo different to every other style of bike/balance, and if you have trials balance you can do anything else on a bike that requires balance. But still, fixed tricks are close to trials. It's hard enough to even bunnyhop one more than 10".
  11. So why are fixies gay, people?
  12. That was fairly epic. Khan merked it!
  13. Awesome! Really like it, so sleek. Would be nice to see some rrps though...
  14. Haha, does look a bit gay i know, i took it off as soon as i got there... And i mean rebellious in an 'i don't need a car' way.
  15. Winter rides... And i'm just being rebellious.
  16. Clean: Dirty: All in a few hours riding, inc a very rainy ride home on the back of a truck for an hour and a half...
  17. As said, there's not much you can do about it.
  18. Dunno if that was sarcasm or not but it came across as you thought he was just posting a news story he found. And if you noticed the sub title, something similar happened.
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