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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Britxton, are you feckin' serious? Do you want to lose your phone and anything else worth anything on the black market??? Hope you find some people/ a place to stay.
  2. Well if you wear a poppy on your bike and yourself it will give the people the impression you're nice young men with every respect for the day and are doing a rememberance day special ride.
  3. LMAO nice one. Say you were looking at some fit birds ( as you've been to uni you've got interested in bird watching) and when you were looking at some through your binos' and someone fell backwards and smacked them into your eyes. A PLAN!
  4. These are genie chips? and anzo how did you order 4? Edit: found out lol, i don't read much unless i have to. I gots my four in the post! w00t w00tz0rz!!1!
  5. Thats because he's been putting something in your hole. But, to Markehhh, we're obviously going to get no say in what happens to him, so we might aswell have some fun .
  6. HELLZ NO!!1! Just make sure you look where you're going. Bitch slappin' or shades then
  7. Dude dude dude, wanna make a fiver doing my essays, you'd get me A* for sure.
  8. Wear an eye patch, say you're a pirate and it's your new religion, go on explaining how if she says you're talking a load of shit, telll her you'll get your pirate followers on her and she wont like it. ORRR wear some cool shades because it's really hot in the UK at the moment and say it effects your hayfever. If all else fails BITCH SLAP THAT MOFO!
  9. 3 doors away. I'm not gonna try it because i have abit of a dodgy ticker and i heard it effects your heart rate when smoking it etc. but living in the ghetto, loads of people do it. Silly really.
  10. New one, spray Cillit Bang in his eyes, then crotch and then pour a load into his bumhole, burning his eyes, penis and intestines, a lovely slow death.
  11. BUFF LESBIAN ACTION KINKY I've had to link them because they're too sexy for young eyes. Best whip it out or it'll get stuck in your jeans! Nice thread anyway.
  12. Just for you (and evrryone else) the sig: Resident TF Torture Expert Gotta go now kids! more torture tomorrow. Peace x
  13. Just an idea for the poppies, get the large ones that you cable tie to your grill on cars, but put it on the headtube (thanks Squince )
  14. I got a new one, cut off his bell end then make him watch some propper hardcore porn so he can't help getting a boner, and watch him bleed to death, ultimate torture.
  15. Yeah... i didn't mean national security threats, i just mean't media these days is bullshit.
  16. Another point to add about media these days, it's all scare stories, look at bird flu ' oh shit son theres gonna be a massive outbreakz of bird fluez!!! OH NOEZ!!1!, keep watching the bbc 2 news for more info', f**k all came of that bird flu. f**k all. All lies and bullshit these days.
  17. You know you're old when you post this:
  18. How old are you oldies anyway, i reckon poopipes about 40 something (just found on bike pics thread after looking at this thread)POOPIPE: WOW, thats acutally changed how i see poopipe, i thought he was a somewhat ape like figure from his avatar on here, you're actually quite buff thats a joke before you start pedo-gaying me up. You dont look that old, maybe 25 or something?
  19. Well i don't know if you know but i mentioned in the angry thread that theres been an ongoing fight between green and blue borough, they were there to fight (i live in green borough), fortunately for innocent bystanders the 'blue bits' were too 'shook' so 'dey' just 'ducked out' but it's so obvious they're not there for fun and joy . Silly twats.
  20. Yeah... things these days are stupid. As said in the booze tax thread it's too nice on the people that are going to do that shit. For instance, the other night at the fireworks there was about 100 black hooded youths that came in to the park, isn't it obvious that they're there to fight, it's sort of off topic but anyway. Discrimination 4TW! (sorry it's lacking depth but i can't be arsed to write anymore) (look on my posts to see the views, it'll help you understand where i'm comming from, two main ones are Booze tax and the angry thread)
  21. You know you're old when you post things like: :P
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