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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. I VERY good. Forgot about them. And The Rifles, Local Boy is a good'un.
  2. Only if you set it to be like that, otherwise people that don't use TF on shared comps would get pretty pissed off. Would like to see Date joined back in underneath the avatar.
  3. [attachmentid=8547] Tis my bang bang, doesn't really work too well, s'ok when it does, looks cool aswell... Don't really do airsoft as such, just shoot stuff and stuff, like cans etc. Sorry for shit pic.
  4. http://www.myspace.com/themaccabees Very good, X-ray Vision is one of the best indie songs i've heard, not on their myspace but I could probably download from limewire, or add on MSN and i'll send it to you (address in sig). Also http://www.myspace.com/dotbymiro Material Lovely is a wicked tune, gonna see them on the third i think, at Ampfarm.
  5. I think trials is goi- TO THE BATMOBILE. OMFG IM SO FUNNIEZ. Sorry. Well i think it's gonna get a lot bigger, not sure when, not sure how but it will, like all small sports do. Some crazy mofo' is gonna come up with some crazy mofo' idea and it's gonna revolutionise trials for ever. That was my 2 pence with Glen Robinson.
  6. I've got many a contact (see pic) and i don't have trouble signing in and out? Not responds for a second or two but it's ok after that. [attachmentid=8533] Maybe i'm just lucky?
  7. It can be done i believe, lights, suitible tyres, horn, and it all taxed and insured up and i think you've got it. Minimotos and mopeds have basically the same engine in my view, it could be bodged i'm sure - anything can be bodged. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7021983351990344345 Wanna bet? Not 2 litre - 1 litre but 150 HP!
  8. I am NO chav. I used to ride it on my cul de sac (very quiet) of a road, and i wasn't an arsehole on it, used it at convenient times, no late nighters and what not, but after the crack down i didn't want to risk it getting crushed, i usually go to a track when i can. Haven't used it for ages. What'd i do now?
  9. Would be good, no? (french accent) Would go a bit faster. Anyone know where i can get one from/ what to search for?
  10. ROFLCOPTER!!1! Musta hurt so bad. Unlucky
  11. How tall are you shorty? alex!beastytrials is tiny, Ali C said he was as tall as a dustbin, which was funny, and true. He's about 5.1 me thinks. I'm not giant - 5.7. I have a friend who's real small, 16 and like 4.5 or something, he's not a dwarf or anything, just short.
  12. Wish i had a Thumpstar they're beast. Mines a minimoto one, just a cheap chinese one, got a slightly better engine and a bigger pinion to give it some extra speed. Thinking of getting a 70 cc bore kit (the ones you get for slowpeds) because they've both basically got the same engine, size at least.
  13. Mo'bike for me, i'd like to get one when i'm 16, probably a hair drier but i'm not gonna go flat out down roads docking the throttle 'cos i think it makes it go faster. Got a mini dirt bike which is ok, goes about 30, when i'm 16 there's a possibility i'll make it road legal if i have the time and money, should be good. Cheapest option really, dirt cheap on petrol etc...
  14. Neither, all the girls just call me gorgeous . On a serious note: Can't really call me Robinson can you?
  15. Why not? try that, you don't need a new bike you silly bums, it's only a wheel. Problem solved. OR BUT they're out of stock.
  16. *Serious face* Bare back is no joke, you're gonna have your danglies cut off when you go to the doctors. Best thing you can do is HIDE, or your man hood will be theirs.
  17. You best come down Nicolas. Oh yeah, comming home for christmas? Have to get up London if you are. Oh, you're on MSN..
  18. Not as a second screen, as a primary screen.
  19. And you'll have to turn into a woman dress up as a woman more often.
  20. Alex is actually 13 Alastair (got it right this time ) and he's taller than you. I might have taken some drugs as i was writing the second part of that.
  21. Rob, they'll have to cut your foreskin off, and take 3 quarters of each testicle off, no matter what STI you have.
  22. It was a pun/joke Plain text: But you ride cocks for a living, surely that gives you loads of money
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