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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Mielecs are very nice frames, i want one! Nice ride
  2. I'm not replying Joe you arse bandit Twas silly to do that knowing you were going to twat your face. Nice gap though.
  3. Can't get stronger than a Zona, can't get cheaper either.
  4. SemteX: you're so picky. andy h: Sarcasm? I don't think even this needs trueing... [attachmentid=8809]
  5. What's wrong with the wheel?
  6. DHT- So Happy Together (Hardcore Remix) <3 HARDCORE!
  7. And use thine spell check which should be here^ if you copy this message into a new reply (ABC with a tick underneath it) Click it and it'll show you your spelling errors.
  8. Tom, you're not going to get validated like that - being a wanna be mod... Be helpful instead of being a moany arsehole I back up JT!'s post as i have a cheaper bike... A Da Bomb which also has a 20" rear wheel, if i was going to stick with this frame i would be f**ked as i don't think there are many places that sell 20" rear trials (fat) specific tyres.
  9. There is no specific height for either. Just if you're over 6.5 you'll look a tit on a mod and get accused of stealing a lil girls bike... Same with stock, if you're the height of a dustbin you'll look a tit on a stock.
  10. Ghetto beat down K-Swiss's (for both casual and riding), need some new ones soonish...
  11. From what i can see, you're not absorbing the impact enough, i think you're thinking that your muscles are too stiff, technically they are, but you just need to absorb it better, be a bit more 'rag doll' and let your body absorb the impact instead of your joints and the bike. Don't take my word for it but landing like that in my eyes is asking for frame snappage...
  12. Fixed Pants™


    Who do you think i am? Just got the ol' 5 quid next working day jobbie Might be here tomorrow... Hopefully but you know, then frame might be here tomorrow or tuesday...
  13. Must admit it's skipping rather a lot, went riding with him from 4:50 till 7 and it slipped about 10 times me thinks, annoying how such an expensive part doesn't work propperly.
  14. Nice, well, it would probably hurt if you've been twatted in the nose... Just keep an eye on it and see how it goes, might be an idea to get it checked out by a doctor... Also, if it's broken bad enough you might be able to feel the break? Or just a crack... Just having a feel of my nose, i can't feel anything that might fool you into thinking it's a break...
  15. Minor bumps are unlikely to break the nasal bone, but violent injuries such as a punch are. Immediately after the injury it's usually possible to tell whether the bone is broken by simply looking to see if the shape of the nose is distorted. Before long, however, swelling appears and obscures any possible damage. Until this swelling has subsided it's difficult to tell whether the nasal bone is broken or not. However, when a heavy blow to the nose is immediately followed by profuse bleeding, it’s fairly likely that it's broken. It usually takes between five and seven days for any swelling to disappear and at this time it's a good idea for a doctor to perform an examination. In the meantime, gently applying ice wrapped in a cloth or some arnica cream will help reduce the swelling. If the nose is bleeding, make sure the person is leaning forward so the blood doesn’t trickle back down the throat, and apply gentle pressure around the nose until the bleeding stops. Simple pain killers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen should be enough to relieve the pain. It's not generally necessary to have x-rays taken of a possible broken nose, since they don't help the doctor decide which treatment is needed. When they're done, it's usually for medico-legal reasons - when someone's been assaulted, for example. If the bone is broken and has caused a deformity it needs to be corrected under anaesthetic. If it's not deformed the bone will heal without any need for treatment. If one or both of the nasal passages feel or appear blocked or keep bleeding then you should request the opinion of an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.
  16. YOU BITCH! No one else has an orange bike apart from me! I like my uniqueness. Sorry for shite pic. [attachmentid=8766] Spray it something other than fluro orange but be different... Fluro purple maybe? Fluro green?
  17. Possibly that sober... Drunk is unimaginable.
  19. It's turning into a 'post a pic of your pet' thread
  20. 2 Months i think it is now... With his own bike anyway, he rode his mates for about 2 months before getting his own. Yes, i know Phil off by heart... He's my idol . No Phil... Don't get any ideas.
  21. And you complain about me spelling your name wrong EDIT: Whoops that's Ali C DAFYDD (In most cases)
  22. Listening to that now on my bassy single left sony headphone... BEAST OF A TUNE, if only my guitar amp's connector wasn't screwed i'd be playing it right now, waking everyone on my street up...
  23. [attachmentid=8762] As promised... Sisters laptop's integrated cam + low light ***! 4MP yet the quality is still shite.
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