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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. 15.5MB isn't it? And BMX? Nice vid though.
  2. Konstantine - Something Corporate RIP DJ
  3. I read about the konstantine song on his memorial page, downloaded it, and it sometimes brings a tear to my eye when i hear it, it's like, his mate said 'i think about you every time i hear konstantine' or something and i just love it, it's not the best song in the world, but it's got centemental value to it. I didn't even know DJ or know about what happened until i asked why people had 'RIP DJ' in their sigs, but after looking through all the pages and pics of him, feels like i know him. Massive loss i guess, he seemed like such a legend and would of loved to meet him, unfortunately i was 2/3 years late... RIP DJ Listening to it now.
  4. BUMP! Free from school now (woo) so i can do afternoons if anyone wants to...
  5. I've recently had to convert to firefox as my IE was being wankly slow, and i'm liking foxytunes, seems efficient memory wise... Reccomend this. VLC is immensely good, simple and plays just about everything.
  6. Uniross 4TW! Get highest MW you can and you'll be fine. (rechargable)
  7. But the exams shouldnt be souly based on a stupid grade... Lets put it into perspective... You're an employer, i'm a smart arse that doesn't know any life skills what so ever, the other person is mediocrly educated and knows a lot of life skills, who you gonna employ? Some fanny that can't change his own tyre or check his oil but knows pi to 130k places or someone with average intelligence that will be useful. I know who i'd employ, the other guy. Exams and education should slide together, 70% learning and 30% life skills, as a rough idea. f**k the govenment f**k schools f**k THE SYSTEM! Wow, what a cool rebelistic motto.
  8. Puncture repair kits have instructions on them so you wasted your time posting this. Only joking. Too true, i hate Pythagoras, although it's easy, and i hate trigonometry... I've always said that things we learn in school are absolutely bloomin' useless unless we go into speciciality jobs, i hate the way schools teach and i hate everything at this stage in life. Why the hell do we need to learn about how plants work in science, WHY??? Dick and head springs to mind, we're all going to be useless twats with loads of useful (less) knowledge in later life. It's so annoying how, as you've said, we spend like 100+ hours learning bloody trigonometry and Pythagoras solving simulataneus equations by inverted f**kwits, why the heck do we need to know all this useless tosh? Rant over for now, excuse the French, and good topic, but will get closed at around page 6 due to people getting worked up about it...
  9. Is that you on that vid on your page? You absolute mentalist who's house was it that you owned and why did you pwn it? Added you by the way, two friends if you accept me!
  10. Me likes that new layout... I've updated my pics and stuff, in most of the party pics i look so young! it's terrible, i'm 15, i swear! MYSPAZZ
  11. I'm adding like everyone by the way, don't worry, i don't comment much so no one will know you know me.
  12. Nero eats penis. Winamp - I play my bangin' toonz when playing games such as San Andreas... NO problems, no judders no skips nothing... To put that into perspective; when i drive fast enough in a car in San Andreas and it goes blurry, the frame rate is literally 3 fps and winamp doesn't have any problems, also, when my comp freezes and dies, winamp still plays no matter what... I don't use it anymore as i find iMashitmusicplayer because i like the search and it's sort of ok to use, but it's shite.
  13. Winamp! it uses like 3 bytes at the most, doesn't matter if it's plain cunty
  14. E2: Looks a lot nicer for the extra 5 quid!
  15. I think everyone's missing the point here, it ALL goes to charity, they get one of them super dangerous/good blenders and get the dust of the iPod, which could be memorabelia to some people. I emailed them asking them to blend a shotgun, i was thinking of what to ask them to blend and i saw my shotgun (not real, foo's) and though, yeah why not... Would be wicked if they did actually blend it as it seemed to be able to eat a golf club shaft... So if they do blend a shotgun, i'm the person responsible for it
  16. Do you get bannz0rd for spamming? Janson: That was the irony thing... I think irony is the right word for it. Might be sarcasm, dunno.
  17. To completely kill the laughter: Can i be a Mod?
  18. Is there a validation system?
  19. Will a 2.7 Monty tyre fit in a T-Pro frame, 42mm rim...?
  20. I think... Don't quote me on this, but there's thse things called girls??? I don't personally know what they're talking about but they sound ok... Dunno
  21. Proud to say: My £3 SuperDrug multi tool pen knife's saw cut down a rather large christmas tree into three pieces. BEAST.
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