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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Also, has anyone got 4 4 bolt mount bolts? Will give a few quid for em?
  2. I'd call it research , perhaps go onto the advertised website (shown in film; TartyBikes...) and have a look...
  3. Chances of me going have just reduced as both of the trialsters aren't available this weekend... Will try my best though. Also, has anyone got 4 4 bolt mount bolts? Will give a few quid for em?
  4. Cheers... Chances of me going have just reduced as both of the trialsters aren't available this weekend...
  5. Doesn't it say in your house? Silly Nick... I reckon Spacemunkee's got it.
  6. OK, gonna be freezing our bollocks off though, wrap up warm... Joe, you gonna bring the bash pl0xz, i'll give you a fiver for it?
  7. I want to, but i dunno if i can. Joe, can you bring the t pro bash a long please? i'll give you like a fiver for it? Also, tinsel on bikes and santa hats? ANDDD... Another ride Sunday, same dress code and should be fun. I saw you last time, on the 19th i thnk... I was and still am riding an orange bike... See me?
  8. Not that video again, it's popped up on about 600546947546.356 websites in the past month, and they all describe it as something it's not, bmxing... mountain bike tricks... clowns etc...
  9. Yup, shall bring a full charged 256MB 3.6MP digital camera 2221 pics or 706 seconds of filming, get a toon on it and shall post it up, that's if i go of course, love to go though. Abuse my frame as much as i can before i stop using it. Added you on MSN btw...
  10. I wanna go, dunno if i can though, what time and where to meet? 11:00 and at the sloped walls? Might get hold of a santa hat and would like everyone else to. DRESS UP YOUR STEED IN TINSEL PLEASE.
  11. TV channels, not stolen from Spacemunkee.
  12. Nice one, i think i'm gonna be able to do that; D in Maths, U in History, D in Science and E in English...
  13. Learnt most biking and car stuff from my mate Will, he's a legend and could probably fix anything bike/car related, just a few years shadowing someone annoying them with the stupidest questions paid off He's not that smart either, got G's and E's in his GCSEs and it earning a decent wage now aswell.
  14. Coincidence i guess... I have a wide vocabulary, i think.
  15. Nope, just tell her, it's trials or drugs, give her a long hard stare until she cowers in't corner. M8, jst sum advce, dnt use txt tlk or ull neva gt validtd. Punctuation aswell (use it).
  16. Also, there aren't enough riders in the UK to promote it, theres only every about 15 MAX in any given area. There used to be about 15 (am i right Nick?) riders around here, now there's 3 left, me Nick, and Nicks friend Ben, really annoying as i don't get to ride with them two much, Nicks at uni (currently home) and Ben's always drunk the night before Shame how posts have died off
  17. Roll on more of it then. Make it a monthly thing on blue peter? I know my ideas aren't great and it's easier said than done but i'm just throwing ideas into the pot. Also, if we really want coverage we need to act.
  18. Nick, don't steal my glory, i can actually do the longest wheelie around here and i live in a cul de sac!
  19. I think if we really want the publicity someone needs to get off their arse that isn't on a seat and go to the BBC or write into blue peter or something. Bubsy not me! Seems all mouth no trousers, stop chatting about it and do something? Can we all have a think and think of any relatives in the media industry and see if we can contact them for some coverage?
  20. I've only read the first post... But to comment, if it becomes more main stream perhaps bikes will become a lot cheaper as they can make more at once. Would be good if that did happen because quite frankly, trials parts and bikes are way too over priced for my liking. Although i'd like it o become more mainstream, part of me doesn't want it to be, as we'll get kids (say from 7-12) riding about on trials bikes and using it as a form of transport, and not as a trials bike. Also, they'll be a lot of shite makes such as apollo, magna, shogun (oh, they already have) diamond back (again, they already have) and the typical Halfords brands producing shite trials bikes that's gonna devalue the sport and just make it seem shit. I'd like something in the middle, such as golf (bad example) but like, you need special clubs to play the sport (not just a shit putter and a shit 9 iron), not played by many but it still a popular sport that gets onto TV etc...
  21. NEW FRAME! (woo) [attachmentid=8859] Quick question: IT sounds like there's dust in the tubes, will this be a problem apart from beign an annoying sound and can i get it out, if so what with. Also: [attachmentid=8860] That doesn't matter does it? (Dent on left tube) All of the other tubes are nice and round, i've seen a pic of a T-Pro frame (used) that has about 3 dents/flattenings of the tubes...
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