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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Yup, download it from http://www.iespell.com/download.php if it doesn't automatically take you to a download page.
  2. For everyone that read Mats post about me getting my spam javelin out on webcam, he's lying, i don't want any of you gay adding me on MSN for me to get it out... Add me if you really want to but no gay stuff, you gays. I love Joe 'cos his riding gurn is hilarious! Pretty cool guy too.
  3. I love rocktrials because in his avatar he has a camera for an eye. Judging from the quality of his pikas it probably has become his eye.
  4. Not very. Try to pick up a CHEAP bike at a boot sale or something, you could probably get a cheap Raleigh mountain bike for around 10 quid and if it needs fixing i guess it would only be cheap to replace anything on it and with a bit of luck you'll just have to set up the gears properly or something easy like that...
  5. Auto trader forum: FS: VW POLO Seller: Right guys, VW Polo up for sale, looking for £1000, offer away... Tomm: Splitting? Dibs on the tyres
  6. Wow, i can't believe i hold my drink in my left hand, maybe i just switched it over to put my thumb up? When i was younger i used to be ambidextrous, i play snooker left handed, golf right handed, write right handed pleasure myself right handed (lol) right hand on the mouse... What else is there? Conclusion: I'm weird.
  7. I have! You just can't see my face? I think i posted the one where i'm smashing a wall...? EDIT: Whoops, no i haven't... You've seen me anyway Joe you spanner! I found one where i don't look like a spoon and or have an excuse for looking stupid... ALCOHOL. Guess which one
  8. Rumbled! He probably has nice skin already but it's either been PSed or he's wearing make up. FYI I'm not gay, if anyone is thinking that...
  9. Bikes looking good, just waiting on the forks and magura to arrive! Phr33 bump.
  10. It's best not to say a reward price as there can be scams/ tricks that will leave you out of more money... Sorry to hear about that, gotta be a lot more careful next time?
  11. I agree with Simon - You have no imperfections what so ever on your face... I'm a make up designer by the way. (joking) Photoshop - Raising womens expectations of men since19 when ever it started...
  12. I hope you know i have a different meaning to 'Munt'... Rather disturbing, sick and f**ked up... (a friend told me at school, he always finds out these weird sexual practices/weird words) Shall reframe from posting the alternate meaning thought, as it'd probably get me bannz0rzd. Mr Neutral is in the building! Myspace is full of depressed teens that can't hold a camera propperly and refuse to take 'normal' pitures of themselves. Saying this, there are some normal people on there (such as me) that can take normalish pictures... It's gay but you gotta sign up. I only signed up so i could see other peoples profiles but eventually got myself a decent sexy looking layout and it's gone on from there. MyEmo
  13. Dave - Is that really you? If so, fook, no wonder your bird is hot as a furnace (or so i've heard) Bongo - You should have your eyes on the road!
  14. I love Concussion, because, seriously, he is one of the nicest guys i've ever spoken to or dealt with. SAFE guy. Muchos love.
  15. Conscussion is SO COOL.

  16. That gave me a cool idea. Check my profile.
  17. I love Chai because he's cool. And it's a T-Pro now you whore.
  18. POST WHORE. f**kIN' SHIT TF! I would of posted first it it wasn't being so wank.
  19. Built in light: Old pic but it's the only one that shows off its' brightness.
  20. (tart)He sells me stuff. Drugs especially. Love. OBM is a safe guy. Love.
  21. It's got potential... I recommend ieSpell as it'll really improve the readability of your website (and posts; it works for every internet site if you're using internet explorer), try put the effort in and use correct punctuation. But as said, get some pics and videos up and it'll improve it.
  22. Yeah the change between the sizes (3/32 and 3/16) is a confusion, i now know that the frewheel is 3/16".
  23. Mainly for me, but London is the easiest to get to as you'd probably have to get another train from London to Essex...
  24. It's a fancy coil... Pretty cool car to be honest, looks wank in some views, looks decent in others...
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