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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Could we make it an early late ride as going back through the places i go on the train is rather dodgy. I could just not go on tomorrow, i don't think i will... See how it goes, deffo wanna get there sunday though.
  2. I did and she needs to change her name, her surname is Cumineti, she's like transilvanian or something.
  3. ORR, Duke Horacio Horace the 3rd, actually had a teacher believeing that was my real name...
  4. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...amp;q=tourettes That's pretty hilarious, i don't think it's because of tourettes though. Poor cats. LMAO, i couldn't help laughing my tits off and giggling like a little school girl.
  5. If she was lez, she could use that hoof to her advantage. Footsie.
  6. Fixed Pants™


    He actually got his tonsels removed...
  7. It wouldn't be there if you had a clean record *dirty looks* Mines 20% .
  8. BEAST! Is that a DB T 20 thingy? Seen your profile, and it is! Wow, i'm surprised at how well it rode, when you feel you need to get a new bike you'll be a lot better. (no offence to the bike as i had a Da Bomb)
  9. How original . I came up with both winning names! I'm so cool!
  10. Not a new concept really but it'd still be weird to change your name. It might be more for people that have silly names such as Glenneth and want it changed officially to a really cool name such as Glen. Maybe you've just got a horrible name such as Gertrude or Shitface and you're sick of it, but it's still gonna be weird 'cos you'll have to answer to a different nasme and everything. I would like to change my name to: Neil Down Ben Dover Harry Balzanya Dick Fitzwell Phil McCrotch Dick Pain (actually have a friend called Richard Pain) Hugh G Rection Allota Fagina And the rest...
  11. Eh? 14t ACS CLAWZ, they're shoddy freewheels? I think i've got a 20-22t chain ring, need to count it, just i feel a 16 doesn't get me very far...
  12. On the topic of freewheels, would an ACS 14t be ok for trials?
  13. True. But i mean't an un subjective (sort of) view, and one that you may be able to trust as it's a big company sort of thing. Shalll reword that: (I'd like to have Tarty test them before i buy them)
  14. So they've actually been released? What's the price on them? Looks pretty decent though, maybe they'll be the new HS33. I'd have one if i need a hydraulic brake (I think, would like to get an MBUK oer another respected review thingy of them) He's sort of got colour co-ordinated pads.
  15. Am i seeing things or is someone actually appreciating my post/ photoshopping?
  16. I've got the same headset problem, it's a right arsehole. Had it on my old frame so it could possibly be my forks? Headset's been twatted in with care but it seems to be in all the way, and all even...
  17. My cat eats peas. Bike. CusMatt. (Not CusTom) Seat? All statement sort of names, hense the firm use of the full stop.
  18. I can confirm that as i'm listening to it now. (Hate the feeling though) I'm on MSN if you want to indulge in some naughty naughty
  19. They have, and i realise she has a very nice arse?
  20. Good advice! Boosters looking tight. Matts saying it's probably going to be made out of stainless steel, it'll be strong, thin and light!
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