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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Did Chai say he was going to eat me?
  2. Is there some joke i'm missing here? I don't recall barking with you people around? Or barking since i've started riding trials (which is when you would know me from) BAH!
  3. Who am i gonna get raped by? It's not rape if i give you consent, so bare that in mind if you think you're going to rape me and get away with it! Chai's on glue? (WTF@ me being a dog and i bark?)
  4. There's an organisation to stop people like you - RSPCA.
  5. Triple post ***! Still looks goodish for me.
  6. Nothing wrong with them Mike, they're meant to go on and off!
  7. Oh, i thought it had something to do with this wonderful forum we're on now. They're all slags?
  8. HAHA minor! Only joking, good to hear you're getting on. No poking till she's atleast 16 though.
  9. You shouldn't even need a date, just find her on the street blind drunk and a bit of rohypnol should get it going. Amatuers.
  10. You'll be fine, you may find that the parts such as forks and frame won't last as long as 'lighter' people but that'll only be a slight speed up of wear/use. Trying asking on OTN (ObservedTrials.net, sorry for naughty naughty forum linking) for shops in Canada.
  11. You're all forgetting he's from Canada, in this case, he'd be better off being told the bike and him finding it from a Canadian shop... I'd say an onza T-Pro...
  12. Lean forward more? Can't do anything like this yet, but, i have just been finding out i can pedal kick my bikes length sorta, and up onto a kerb, with a shite low gearing.
  13. Gosh, i get that a lot, really loud and lasts for upto 30 clicks, annoying as i don't know what it is. Me thinks i need to go to the doctors.
  14. Gosh, i get that a lot, really loud and lasts for upto 30 clicks, anoying as i don't know what it is. Me thinks i need to go to the doctors.
  15. I'd like to tit f**k her in the ass! http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...ourettesguy+all (you'll understand) Watch it anyway, it's hilarious.
  16. 'd that vid. Wicked song, very decent riding, nicely edited. Really liking all these non pro(no offence, by pro i mean the Tunni and Ali C type) vids these days
  17. Warm up before riding and stretch, warm down after riding and gently stretch. All good.
  18. Weathers sort of nice here too... Anyone going or am i gonna stay in bed til 3/4 again? Roly - do you wanna ride somewhere local, like West Wickham? Instead of going London.
  19. Added you on MSN Matt, i need to know how to get faster downloads on BitComet, it's really annoying 'cos it's like 20kb/s. EDIT: It's going at 120kbps! So it does pay to tinker with things... My settings for other people that want fast downloads: 1 MB internet Max download: No Limit Max upload: 100 Port: have it between 50000 and 55000
  20. Is it good? You do know it changes from place to place Chai
  21. Pinkbike is gay; the logo is covering up most of the pic.
  22. Anyone still going? I've done the usual wake up on time go back to sleep thing
  23. Far gone through puberty if that's the rule, i normally have breakfast about 3-4 at weekends...
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