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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. St pauls, where all of the dodgy steps are, Tate Modern, nice spots there, Stone Circle which is near south bank (When you're in southbanks skatepark, looking out into the thames, go left and you'll see the stone circle). Loads others, just have a look around. Might come as i've just bled the bloodblister, so it might be ok to ride with by tomorrow. J00 got MSN yet?
  2. You've probably got the tracks you want for the funeral, but, I found 'Matt Monroe - Softly As I Leave You' really got to me, it was at my great uncles funeral and it really is a tear jerker, it was played as the curtains close for his cremation.
  3. Possibly, don't think so though, i've got a blood blister ('blackmans' pinch) on my braking finger. Don't just ride southbank... There are loads of other spots in London. Also isn't much you can do in the south bank skatepark.
  4. Should be able to, not sure though. See if you can before you do all that work as it might be for nothing.
  5. Try doing it in Windows Movie Maker?
  6. I've virtually had 2 bikes currently on a T-Pro from a lose the large font Da Bomb, basically brought a new frame and forks that haven't been delivered yet, and a new rear wheel and the rest is Da Bomb.
  7. Powerz - I think i remember them saying it gives off too much dust and it's dangerous for them, especially if they have to do quite a few a day and in an enclosed shop. OT: Powerz, which one were you on the London ride last sunday?
  8. Wicked. I wanna buy/ make a shirt that has the rough outline of a penis shaft and balls on it, making my head the bellend, saw it on dirty sanchez and it's hilarious. off topic: Been entertaining all the peeps in my form with your auch vids! They love em!
  9. Blatently just wants to see her tits bobbling about. I wish i had a GF. Be an added bonus if she wanted to do trials 'cos i could go on rides and stuff without neglecting her.
  10. Looks sickhead. Nice one. How'd you do it?
  11. f**k it. Unless i do actually get a GF, but lets face it, it 99% wont happen.
  12. One is comming on the 8th of feb, if he makes it into the country (brazillian dude) Other one is ZHI... Dunno about him.
  13. Log me in also costs if i remember rightly? Also need to install it on the other comp too?
  14. I'd say they've been designed with anti roll in mind, if that hasn't already been realised yet? Rolling to either side support shouldn't be restrictive to toe up and down movement (if you get what i mean) Should be ok i guess, probably a big help if your ankles roll easily.
  15. The advice you'll get: eBay, keep your eye out... Loot, might turn up in there... Look around your LBS's and stuff, just look in all the possible places a bike can be shifted. Sorry to hear it though. Lets test this out: Just so you don't get people thinking you're an illiterate twat: Spell checker: Go to CLICK, download that, and before you post, click the button in the pic (see below) to at least make your posts readable. Have a check of the GUIDELINES (and follow them!) to help you get validated. Nutshell: No MSN/txt talk. Don't type like a complete spastic. For the love of god, please don't sai 'or8 m8' before every single post. Nor say 'cherz glen'.
  16. Well Toms not gonna find much porn anyway, or anything revealing except a picture of me in a red thong, totally naked except the thong... I guess he doesn't want to see that... And TightVNC has a password anyway?
  17. I use a router and when i type in my IP on my sis's laptop (on the network) it just comes up with the password thing and then comes up with router settings? Should it be different at school?
  18. 1 On the 8th of feb and another one in may i think... The 8th of feb one seems a bit suspect to me... He wants me to write a letter to give him permission to get into the country... And i don't think it works that way so he might not be able to come over. Seems a bit dodgy...
  19. Tunnel works for all letters of the alphabet; ATunnel, BTunnel, CTunnel and so on.
  20. Possibly this weekend, but i'm supposed to be making something rather dangerous. Next weekend should be good. 8th of fed (i think) there will be two riders from China comming over to ride and they want to ride London, so arrange something for them.
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