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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Hope gothic i think. They don't make them anymore but i've been told if you phone them up you can get one made especially for you for around £40. They're good.
  2. Trials bike is what we ride, bike trials is what we do.
  3. I'd shave it just for you. So that's a yes? In the personal message it goes.
  4. Meh, same thing. poopipe, wanna be my valentine?
  5. 10% chance of my presence. No one will come with me and i don't like the thought of going by myself.
  6. Mate recently got his collar bone broken from that. Don't do it.
  7. Remembered today i have a dentist check up on thurs. Changing it though . Should be coming down.
  8. TESCOS ARE SELLING A DOZEN RED ROSES FOR LIKE 6 QUID! Champagne for quite cheap too. Saw it on tv...
  9. Fixed Pants™


    Click em. And elec tape them.
  10. Fat Pants on flyordie, challenge me Alan? :$ Not Alan, sorry, getting you mixed up with tmagura who is now Alan... Fly or die is SHITE.
  11. Freestyler - legend tune. Sick head vid homeboy. Next time i see you, I'm gonna bite your head and suck some skill out of it, then i shall be mega good. You'll be like, ahh Glen, wtf r u doinz0rz?? and I'd be like, just taking zome skillz and you'll be like ahh, and i'll be like yeah n you'll be like meh, then I'll be good. COME HASTINGS THURSDAY?
  12. JT can close or edit topics? Or are you saying that to thingy, you know what i mean, without insulting JT, 'patrols the forum and think's he's a mod'?
  13. Is it a BB7? Very nice work, I wouldn't mind doing something like that in the near future, couldn't be f**ked to do it though.
  14. Simpson, I'm serious, if you prank call me, I'll come after you and ask you nicely not to do it again, AND I MEAN IT. My mums OK with it all, but she says the weathers shit all week. If my riding bud is up for it i'll almost certainly go.
  15. I have next to f**k all. A road full of kerbs and that's it. No where to ride within riding distance.
  16. Yeah, it's like the 'Hey is this you *click this dodgy link and you'll get a virus and it'll send itself to everyone you know*' thing.
  17. Possibly. I'd say there's a 40% chance i'll go. my number: 07898972957... I think.
  18. Nicky - were you sending me some sort of virus? I doubt you were, just normally .tmp files are virus' or are nasty, either way, i don't like them.
  19. I clicked, 'tis an MS-DOS app, bloody fanny for sending it to you?
  20. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showuser=4307 Apparently b'mouth trials.
  21. Unlink it you tart (). I nearly clicked on it.
  22. You noez it!!1 You're sexy too They're good facts though, worth a read.
  23. Eh? With the sexy part? I just copy and pasted it so the ads were all over the shop.
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