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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. AOL Silver - 1MB - Unlimited - £17.99 a month. No problems with AOL except when my line broke on their end, but it was fixed within 48 hours (i spent a whole month faffing around trying to replace parts and didn't think it would be AOL's fault)
  2. Siggggg. Bike's cool a trials specific bike is a trials specific bike, who cares how good it is. Hell, i'd be happy if i got one of them if my bike was broken.
  3. Macs for efficiency, non f**king up (most of the time?) and non compatibility. Windows for shitness, f**king up and compatibility
  4. Remember; a (metaphorical) chain is only as strong as its' weakest link. You'll be good if you can get a very decent weld on it, if not, get yo' ass to saving.
  5. It was meant to be today? Needed to be today 'cos i got another ride tomorrow If anyone wants to join me in Bromley, feel free to do so. You need to get the train to bromley north station some how and phone me to let me know. Sowwi battyboys
  6. Just keep trying vids on peekvid, i think they've got a problem on their end.
  7. I believe it's not our bandwidth/load times they're worried about, it's the forum's bandwidth.
  8. That side should go inwards, towards the actual headset. I think. (If that's what you're asking about)
  9. Bennethy! 19 eh, you old git. Come London today? 2 o clock meet i think.
  10. That's your wireless router file transfer speed XD. Go to InternetFrog.com then click speed test.
  11. Tis indeed a Santa girls cloak, cleverly stapled together to form a santa minskirt... Sorry about the lateness of this.
  12. Ok, got more info... PROVIDING IT GOES AHEAD; Meet at sloped walls, 2 o clock. Think i'll be leaving at about 6-8.
  13. Typing Like This Isn't Good. However, typing like this is. My worst CRASH (bails are where you get the bike away from you to save yourself) was when i was pedal kicking down a series of steps, my rear brake was shit at the time, it slipped i fell down, HARD, broke the step too. Couldn't ride for a few days after.
  14. Guess which one's Rich game? I'm thinking 2 in from top right. (not a serious guess) Enlighten us for the comedy factor?
  15. Only me and Possibly Spodulous? Possibly Eric B as i see you're reading the thread. (Was)
  16. As said on OTN: YOU MOTHER f**kING BITCH (lucky mother f**ker), them bikes are buff beyond belief. Give me one, NOW! I envy you.
  17. Nor do i babes. You will though, when i'm better than you. Slag.
  18. alex!beastytrials had me on MSN for some reason, he said 'you go on tf?' I said 'tf?' he said 'trials-forum' and i said 'no' so i signed up, watched loads of vids and stuff and a month later i bought Ricky Colemans Da Bomb for 100 quid, that got me started, got a T-Pro frame and other stuff and transfered that onto some Da Bomb shiznik, here i am 5 months down the line and i'm a budding rider. Thank you lil welsh dude
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