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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Me thinks the sounds were from others? And he didn't lock up and just tried to slow down? Dunno though, why would it be fake? (not meant in a cocky way btw) Text book screech smash sound though.
  2. I think handy work means spraying the bike. My first bike;
  3. Rotterdam terror corps, all of their tunes. Neophyte. Put gabber into limewire and it'll come up with quite a few.
  4. Make mini combustion cannons and shoot wet tissue at each other. An old plastic medicine (vitamin/cod liver oil thing) type bottle does the trick and get a pen tube, force the pen tube through a hole in the bottle so it's a nice tight fit. Get a clickly lighter and make two holes through the bottle. (the clicky bit need another wire so find some wire like the bit that already comes off the clicky thing and put it around the metal terminal at the other end and twist it round) put that in the other hole and make sure it sparks inside, tape up all the sparky bit and check it sparks again. Put the tissue in the pen tube and spray a tiny ammount of deodrant in the bottle, put the lid on and click! Pretty good. Careful though, just shot a piece of blue tack through a piece of paper at about 3m. Maybe just shoot cans and or targets.
  5. And you were proved right or wrong?
  6. Forum resizes it anyway If anyone does want to make it into a poster for their room they can. They must pray to it 3 times a day and lick it 4 times a day.
  7. Complete with silly face and Robwalker looking at my arse.
  8. Me thinks he means when you click the red box next to the thread (that takes you to the first new post) it takes you past possibly added material. Good idea i 'spose.
  9. Scratching is good Mike, nice and subtle but also very effective. Only noticed the up down volume bit since it's been mentioned, doesn't really affect it though, still a top class mix! Respec.
  10. Sorry to hear it. My cat went missing last year, around the end of summer if i remember rightly, never did see her again, she was 13/14, poor old tiddles, really miss her. Now i've got a new cat and he's just had his nads cut off today. Gah.
  11. Watch it guys, you'll drive me to do the worst thing that i could ever do on this forum (apart from signing up) POST A PIC OF THE TOP HALF OF MY BODY NAKED! (not a pretty sight, believe me) You have been warned.
  12. Is gurrrrddd Mike. Nice and funky. Should have shown us your mixes earlier! Get some more out, they're brilliant.
  13. Who's Will? Looks ok i guess, can't beat barbie stickers though!
  14. Ben Dover? Gordon Bennet? Dagnaam Dave? can't think of anything serious though. Mind always goes blank when i need it!
  15. Well, there is a type of cannon (people rarely make it because of it's longtingness) called hybrid, it's combustion and pneumatic and i cba to explain it. Just know that it's pneumatic with an added boost of combustion, i think. Combustions only work if there's air in them, if you beast em up with deodrant thinking it'll make it better it's simply not gonna fire. (air intakes/filters on cars) So sucking air out of it will make it not fire. (i think)
  16. Get the youtube link and go to vixy.net and follow the instructions.
  17. Sort of simple. Like an engine, explosive gasses are ignited forcing gasses out of the barrel, but unfortunately for the potato, it's in the way and gets sent about 100-500 metres depending on cannon power etc. Basically, sealed system, you spray deodrant into the combustion chamber (white bit) and the propellant gas in the deodrant is ignited via a spark and boom.
  18. 18th then? I will if i can get a new freewheel.
  19. Think of the rim as a clock, miss out 12 o clock 3 o clock 6 o clock and 9 o clock. (I think)
  20. Gav, i'm a sensible lad i'm only using it in my garden Simpson! It's my first one and if it was any bigger with the materials it would probably send plastic into my eyes. Next ones gonna be pressure rated (10 bar) and huge. Gonna be mental.
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