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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Click options>standard thingy, if that isn't the right option keep trying the others. Should be standard.
  2. Xxx_hardcore_se- OO i mean erm, Hot Fuzz, was pretty funny, 8/10.
  3. Lee Evans Omid djilali Lee Mack Bill Bailey Jimmy Carr JLC and Alan Carr (MET THEM!!!) f**k minds gone blank. (no particular order)
  4. Windy ta fook aroond here!
  5. For next time - have a volcano! (bangers mash and beans in a volcano like structure!) LUSH.
  6. I'm sobre now! Just means i don't have to drink much (less cost!) to get drunk! You'll all be thee poor ones waste shitloads of money on loads to get you tipsy PS thanks lazy dude! Least i know i have SOME friends round here (joke).
  7. It so was not! I've been drunk twice before! Twice! Sobring up noe though!
  8. shuppp lol and im only 15 *googles 'excuses for nbein lite weight'*
  9. its probly cos i hadnt eaten for atleast 3 hour sbefore drinking. and im only 5.7
  10. i am monged man, it takes the pisssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fcking hell, ive had literallyu 3 canns f bvecks and im drunk i downed a whole one rly wuickly with didnt help much but it still rtakes the piss hjow im off balance from just tht ur all gonn alaugh at me i bet f**k tired too 3 becks it about 7 units of alcohol? i had at leat 20 at my last party and was this drunk
  11. HTHT IS FUKIN NICW! iu want one.
  12. ntoyhng paddy about tonight hd rather as afe3 drinks, more drunk thn i notrmslluy am.
  13. very nice how much?!`` borat+5 other peeps n some beer = sexu yime!!! this is actually f**ked, ive had a lot more than ive had bevore(nt vgonnna say how mant ive had tonite) an veenm a lot less drunk.
  14. Na, all by myself... I like downing drinks, i can do a pint of anything non alcoholic (including milkshake) in about 7 secs. At school they sold 500ml bottles of thickish milk shake and i did the whole thing in 7 seconds... Just shaved under the influence aswell, needless to say there are quite a few grazes on my face.
  15. I downed one of the cans But punk, you've got about 60 thousand gallons of body to absorb it!
  16. *Tells mother i'm gonna have the last one* (she gave one of them each to the two foreign students i have) '3?!?! you'll be sick!' Mum, don't be a mug, i've had 4 fosters and 7 alcopop type things at my last party, i wasn't even close to being sick' 'Be sick then' *walks and opens*
  17. Meant to be snowing tuesday here.
  18. Got 4 cans in, not particularly nice but ah well, probably cos its kinda warm.
  19. Who said i'm 15 *looks shifty* It's lazy mans common sense People say the person is sad for being with their parent(s) till they're 30 odd, it's not, everyone that's staying home at an older than usual age is a f**king genius. Think, no washing, no bills, no cooking. Sorted. (ignorant i know, as parent(s) will probably make you pay and do your bit but if they don't, that's good yeah)
  20. If you both live in the same house your relationship will go tits up, you'll get sick/fed up with each other (over money issues, territory issues and other things to squable about). Leech off your parents for as long as you can, you'll f**king HATE the real world, just make sure you don't do it for the sake of it. On the other hand, you may be mega happy with each other in a few years time and you may well want to move in with each other. And if that's the case, see how you're doing and then ask parents about it etc cos they've done it before. Good luck either way.
  21. Before you buy anything from him, check this... Might have changed by now though. Be careful.
  22. 06/11/2002 But i believe it was a smaller crapper forum under a different name before that.
  23. If it's their local and the ban was placed on that local pub, surely if they had been going 20 odd years and smoked there all the time surely they could just not smoke for the hour or two they're in there for. They're complete untcs if they can't last that long without needing to smoke.
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