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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Was (had a 47cc engine before i signed up to MMC and after i signed up i got a 49cc engine, so it still stands, just it was varying a lil) 49ccminicrossah 'cos that was my name on MMC (minimoto forum) Now Fat Pants as that's a nickname a friends bro gave me, and it stuck. People refer to me as Fat Pants on rides. Probably 'cos they don't know my real name! (Glen)
  2. Like me, don't worry Matt, stick with me and a mate of mine (who will most probably leave early on as he has a bad knee) We do tend to stay in groups though, sometimes a few people do go their own way if there's masses of people, but there's should be like 10 people going so we should ideally stick together...
  3. I think Danny said it did in a previous topic, that's why i'm not gonna download it XD!
  4. W00t - providing royal mail don't f**k up i'll have a freewheel by saturday and i'll be able to go (as long as halfords remove the old screw on bit! See you there *fingers crossed*
  5. Aye, twatted my nose as well, hurt loads. Good old lid though, i probably be unconcious if i didn't have one on, but the lid is what caused it to twat me in the nose. Good vid, the one at the start where he slips off a willy shaped bollard type thing onto his back must have hurt like a bitch! The one at 2:36 where he falls off backwards is a prime example of why you should wear a helmet, along with the vid of one of the tarty boys doing the same type of thing. @4min is funny. Good editing, great length (stfu you dirty minded gays ) Musics good, all good. Good vid! EDIT: OOO, watching 'ghetto trials line' you made the rock lobster video? That was f**king awesome.
  6. Once you've poked it in so there's no flange poking out, screw the bolt in with the top cap on it and sit the top cap in the steerer, make sure it's on the lip if you get what i mean and twat the bolt gently, that should get it in nice and straight.
  7. It's finally changed! Oh davey davey, i have a shit load of coursework/ work to do, wanna do it for me?
  8. Go and give the surgeons a twat, they drew an arrow on your leg (vandalism!) Looks cool.
  9. " But there's no way easy way to prove it.
  10. Hmm, well, i guess it's sort of true, but you didn't really grow out of it, you just got bored and stopped doing it. But to Adam or who ever said it, i'm f**king 15! I'm just having a bit of fun, i'm not an adult, i know, but i'm not childish, or acting childish.
  11. Exactly what i though. Or make a huge hole in the persons forehead. Or be used in street fights.
  12. I really don't get this. By childish you mean something a child (12-) would do? Simon, you're a crazy f**k, best hope the army don't see tf and all the other forums you share your 'hobbies' with. The embarrasment way sounds good, and not too malicious, however, it'll make him very angry, and want revenge.
  13. Haha, maybe, but they're too big for my 15mm barrel, sharpened lengths of steel pole should be ample. Saying that, i've got a 40mm barrel one but it's not too powerful.
  14. How is the spudgun childish? It's far from it ffs!!! My minimoto is childish, what's next, my computer, thats childish? if anything it's for adults that have nothing better to do! f**ks sake, we ride bikes that don't have a seat or practical use apart from trials. Yes Matt, yes i will! (Could put go faster holes in his door with the right ammo )
  15. I got shit on my minimoto engine, and i can clarify it f**king stinks! You can't get done for carrying a crow bar in your car, you can just make up a poo excuse and they can't say shit if you can prove it. However much i want this fanny to get his property f**ked, i wouldn't reallywant you to do him over propperly, 'cos who ever it is, it's a bit raw to kill someone. And if you do him over badly (crowbar his canister a few times or w/e) i can see you getting f**ked by him and or his mates for it so think before you act Matt, i personally wouldn't want you to have the same thing done to you.
  16. Fixed Pants™


    lol, that's my phone. I dunno, seems a bit silly to me? I wouldn't send off any decent phones if i were you.
  17. I have a powershot A550, after a while i realised what iso was so i got some REAL good close up pics of this battery with a low/high (cant remember which way it is for thingys, low iso = close up high iso = slow shutter speed?)
  18. Well, legend has it it was a mod/admin/seniors account before, but if he really was a random dude that goes around correcting peoples spellings it's a bit suspect that he turns up after 8 odd months of inactivity 'cos people were talking about him.
  19. Aye, but it's not actually the Spelling Bee anymore. Or is it?
  20. I used to have 'em from about 3-6? Got a mega ownage pic of me with one, looked gangsta. I'll get a pic of it when i can.
  21. api birday m8 have a gudun *Causes Spelling Bee to spontaneously combust*
  22. Shut up. It was what she said last time the clocks changed. W00t good thinking Glen.
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