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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Just getting full version now, should be good to go in about 10 mins hopefully.
  2. Probably because she's too young to perv on. Awaits Simon. BURNNNN. (I'm only joking you big gays, don't get stressed)
  3. LimeWire is perfectly useable. You'll probably get bummed for this as it's virtually warez. However, google will do it's best to get you tracks - a bit of intitle searching and you can find loads.
  4. 5.8/ nearly 9... 10 - 11 stone, dunno, after a big christmas dinner i weighed about 10.5 so i dunno... Haha, don't worry Simpson, Joe's a big girls blouse really
  5. Yeah, pillar drill might not be the best option. I'd leave at least 5mm each side of the sidewall for the drill bit, don't want to make cheese out of it! Also, carefully mark it out, make sure they're all in the same place as an unevenly drilled rim is likely to be very pissed and off balanace.
  6. Exactly. Doing it on a computer is virtually the same as a pencil and some paper. Tehe, like my pun? But that's a serious comment.
  7. It's impressive, but in a non bum licking view, with a graphics tablet, a bit of artistic talent and a lot of time, you could do something equally as good.
  8. Highly recommend nod32 - basically all 'hackers' (I'll call them hackers to generalise people that use illegal programs, programs that have been illegally gotten and other such people that know a lot about computers) use it and recommend it.
  9. When you can walk out onto the patio, bare foot, and not have to hop around 'cos it's f**king freezing. (yes, i know it can get too hot, but it's nice to have a warm patio, lounging in th' hammock type thing)
  10. Who's the guy preaching at like 3:00? Stood your ground, well done. However, the man was quite rational and liberal at some points which lessened the hilarity of it but nonetheless, still funny.
  11. The f**king bluds that sit at the back of busses with their shit grime music going with their shit stolen phones with amazingly shit quality as loud as they can go should be put in room 101. IT'S SO f**kING ANNOYING.
  12. Yeah it's called trolling, and btw, you're not a mod. I'm surprised that it's bent, i thought most we're rather robust. On my da bomb there was no chance of the bash bending - it has metal tubes either side (difficult to explain).
  13. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....field_9=Suffolk All of the people that ride in suffolk.
  14. 'Loading, please wait while your browser redirects you or click here if you do not wish to wait' f**k YOU. Why would i want to wait?! WHY?! Immensely annoying and one of the stupidest inventions ever.
  15. I guess this is stupid - When we ride London, there's a shop that we stop at for refreshments, and normally, there's 25+ of us, she lives above this shop (shop lives below her), she tells us to go away every single time she hears brakes.
  16. There probably already is a forum for it. There's a forum for EVERYTHING these days.
  17. Alan you tit! You don't download four, you download the dannytipple ones (fast ones), Danny's mirrored it because the other link was slow.
  18. Never heard of the warranty one, anyone wanna explain? Tf tapemeasure for anyone that doesn't know about it;
  19. INTERNET BULLYING, IM TELLING TEACHER! Constant abuse though, that's worth at least one warning point.
  20. Someone = JT. It's a good place to socialise, talk about rape and look at nice pics of peoples' missus' Also, most of the people (bar about 5 and the whole of nmc) are, as mentioned, safe as houses, great place to deal nun chucks and bike parts. Best of all, we've got a great admin and moderating team! *goes outside* Person: hey glen, you've got something brown on your nose Me: so i have. lol
  21. ?!?!?! f**k. You got 1TB internet or something?
  22. Problem with crip walking and it being cool in clubs is that the moves aren't very big, it's all techy so i don't think you'd get the same croud as a break dancer, maybe learn both. And you're far from lanky you lanky fanny. People love the vids i posted because they're different, the music was probably completely unheard of to them.
  23. Just get a hammer, and mack the shit out of your garage door lock, then tell em someone broke in.
  24. GOD *bows down* These mixes are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a bit reluctant because one of the recent mixes was played WAYYYYY too many times, it got a bit like, oh not this again, but f**k me! I'll listen to these all day long!!! Respect.
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