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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Can you not do it through iTunes? Like, import the videos into the library, click Movies (under Music in the library) and then what ever porn movie you want on it left click it and click 'Convert selection for iPod'?
  2. My form tutor is doing it, he's about 6.1 australian and in normal marathon clothes, his number is something like 254**
  3. Fool, i'm not scrawny. HAHA Nick, well played. The two curry house prank call is amazing, done it a few times. Phone up a curry house, order a load of shit, phone up another curry house, say one sec, ill put my mate on, put the phones together so the curry houses are talking to each other and ask the first curry house to read back your order, it all goes f**ked up, so funny!
  4. Hmm, what folder do i put it in? Would it be being gay cos it's extracted to desktop?
  5. It's not working, do i need to have it open/closed/ in a directory or summin?
  6. went to the clink ba in bromleuy GOT SERVED GET IN. had 4 pints and a smirmoff and im drunish cos i havent eaten since about 2, and that was only a small sandwich nvm though cos ita z cheap[ night. music wsda godo.
  7. mine is aghay, whoev er posted up the linsk to it needs to give me the pass please.
  8. Game anyone? I'm quite shit so don't expect any competition.
  9. The coolest people on tf club? Lighten up ffs, it was a joke.
  10. You can make a rather effective knuckle duster out of an old wire coat hanger... Cut the coat hanger to size (so it fits around your knuckles comfortably with about an inch each end spare (bend it around then cut) and have the extra 2 inches as 2 1 inch prongs coming out of it. Wrap in loads of duck tape/tape so it doesn't hurt you and go cut some chavs faces (sharpen up prongs nice and good.) Poz rep from siman?
  11. http://www.weaponsgalore.com/Catalogue/?CategoryID=129 That's better.
  12. That royally takes the piss, a beating up is enough, but stabbing someone in the ear takes the piss SO BAD. They deserve to be shot in the bollocks and then bleed to death in a pool of shit and piss, c*nts. Hope they get get well asap!! I take it it was a random unprovoked attack?
  13. Nope. However, she's 19 and in uni, so there is a possibility she has them at uni (she's home atm)
  14. A girl (about 11, i think) has them, along with a load of other mugs, she was walking her dog (dog was pulling her along at about 10mph) she fell over and broke her arm! They're shit, they're f**king 70 quid and they're annoying as f**k.
  15. Lazy fisher with your bite alarm! The last time i went fishing was last year, about september - i forgot to empty out a full box of maggots, discovered this about a week ago, it's f**king disgusting.
  16. Found out yesterday crips and bloods have hit where i live.
  17. oh my god i thought your name was Inur! Fingers: gleetfdcdjcgncdsyviofg Eyes shut: glen Nose: gttlllllllllloeeen Chin: gvbl,edrn b Elbows: glen Knuckles: glen Palm:gleeeen Tongue: not on this keyboard! (araldite all over it)
  18. Well played, i'm pretty sure that's a good improvment. Just, i've been told to make questionnaires more dumb fanny friendly lol. I'll edit my previous post to fit.
  19. Would you spend £5.00 on a biketrials DVD? Yes What is our favourite trials style, Street(normal riding around town), natural, Urban(e.g Matt Berridge, John Shrewsbury)? Street Who are your favourite UK riders? The people i ride with, Ben, Chris, Nick as they have helped me start trials and improve my riding. How old are you? 15 Do you prefer your favourite songs on a biketrials video or a simple well made track which fits with the video? Depends - it'd be useless having one of my favourite drum and bass tunes (very bassy fast and energetic) on a chilled vid. Do you want the video to have different sections from different rides/events. Yes Do you like seeing different riders and new places/section, or the same old big gaps as you can appreciate how big they are( eg St.Pauls gap in london and most big riding spots) It's nice to see the old spots, as yes, you can appreciate the size, but it's great to see some new unseen spots! Do you prefer a video which sets the scene and has some nice shots and some experimental parts rather than just all riding? Yes - it's nice to have a video that isn't all trials as it make's you feel almost as if you're there. Anything else which you think makes a trials video stand out? Calm intro, energetic main and a calming end. Good music.
  20. QFT, same with Biff's post. Fair enough 99% of people say 'yeah i would have smacked im up rawz', but it's just stupid 'cos you really wont smack him up or even start on him, you're teenagers, he's a man, cmon, none of you would have done anything, especially by yourself. It's the same principal of killing, you could be all hyped up to go shoot someone for looking at your bird, but when it comes to it, you wont pull the trigger.
  21. Yup, the normal day is a load of fireworks being set of and all the bluds rucking and generally kicking the shit out of each other for 10p's.
  22. Yeah, i did, i read on up tinternet that it's called postural hypotension, he told me it only really affected OAPS... MY blood pressure is so low when i put my hand in the air for about 5 secs my arm goes all white.
  23. Haha i wrestled my mates bro (he's about 13) today at school, felt like wrestling a f**king cow! (he's a fat fanny lol)
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