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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. I look up to all people taller than 5 ft 8/9 ish. Serious note, i look up to the people (person) i ride with, as they're the people that virtually taught me. Also, Antonio, who is in a bad situation with money and stuff, still manages to ride and he's such a looney, got the biggest bollocks ever (metaphor).
  2. I was surprised at how low the frame was and the fact it had a hs33, but then i saw the price. f**k that, they obviously haven't seen any other 26" trials bikes, and what price they are. Doesn't look that bad though. Price is a BIG nono.
  3. Cool, i can manage going to waterloo lol, just not all the way down to portsmouth by myself... Got msn, matt? I'll pm you about times etc.
  4. Internet Download Manager. I messed with some settings (may come like this standard) then went on myspace, went on limewax to listen to a tune or two and even though he's not allowed you to download it gave me the option to download it. Didn't work for the the last tune though, so i can't guarantee it'll work. ... No, don't do that, FFAF are shite. No, my mistake, they're ok.
  5. Dj Noisekik - From the Netherlands Micropoint - My computer Ron D-Core - f**k deep house
  6. When i went on a school skiing trip a few years back we coached through milan, some f**king HUGE dubs there, like, two letters... covering the size of a big articulating lorry. Looked shit but must have taken so much time and spray.
  7. I could be a train buddy, we'll split up at waterloo though... If that works out, i might just have to go.
  8. lol. I sort of asked my mum is she could take me, i dunno, if she's feeling nice she might. Lets hope so! Everyone watch their language if she follows us around lol! EDIT: Feck, just asked her, she said no :|
  9. You obviously got the spamblocker spyware from that jennifer m porn vid.
  10. It's only about 50 miles direct...? Oops, 75... Hmm, f**k. But anyway, it's the fact i'm on a train, on my larry, without anyone to talk to except my willy I know ben's doing it, but, he's more mature than me, i get bored easily. Really wanted to go.
  11. Looks like my ride has pulled out I'll have to get 3 hours worth of trains to get there
  12. Me thinks i'll be going, rick's accepted my request of a lift from hastings, providing i go lol. I'll do my best to come!
  13. Yeah, it's like, 60% going, but the remaining 40% is bigger than a normal 40% How comes this isn't in the calender?
  14. Considering this now, i should be 'allowed' to go. It's up to me to make the right decision, as i have 3 science modules on the 16th etc... Hmmm.
  15. Nice video Spodulous! Good editing, liking the bits inbetween riding, makes a vid good! Good riding too. Bit at the end was funny, looks like a small wall *zooms out* Faaacking 'elll! Mad tings.
  16. LMAO. Don't think i didn't see the subtle 12 year old calling there though. So i'll grow out of it?
  17. If i wank most days of a week i'll stand to attention basically everytime i sit down for more than 30 secs, it's gay, but if it's like 1-3 a week spaced out i'm usually alright. So, i guess it makes it a lil bit delayed when it hasn't been done for when ever days, Alan.
  18. Yeah, was bloody good!!! At the loading bay, old man 'thrkt jb fgblkjfbh fkj roof milk fdghgdifug roof gjhrtfgjift milk' spode 'you're a very angry man' LMAO. loads of other very funny bits... but, whilst waiting for the train, i drop called spode to be silly (he was on opposite platform) and he phoned me back... 'hello' 'hello' some random convo... 'what are you wearing' *glen laughs very hard* spode is a legend! learnt how to roll up (sort of) things brakeless, which was good. brendan, did you not take the tools back?
  19. Yeah, throw a thousand quid into my pocket well and you'll get a t bird free! I'm guessing he wants an opinion on what he should get, given that he wants to know dream frame and dream disk brake pads? Still posting edit: Re read the first post, frame to pads. I guess my answer would be the most expensive stuff from tarty or whatever.
  20. w00t. Finally someone realised how GAY the flames are. Big improvement!
  21. Lets not be pedantic, JT, he's obviously trying to improve his posts.
  22. That seems a good idea. (not taking the piss) Flushing it through (with the syringe) a load of times would be easier i think though,
  23. Yeah, trials makes freewheels SERIOUSLY tight. Or you could get 1 or so m of scaffolding and get to work.
  24. I'll put some stuff from the FAQ section in there if that's good? Credit will be given. That'll do for now
  25. bumpz!1 http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=DjRavine Mixes are brilliant.
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