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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. You just lost my respect. Woman.
  2. Or ask for ticker oil, the stuff that makes your indicators tick.
  3. I think the stupid bit there, Alan, was doing the ironing, where was the woman to do it for you?
  4. I know Ad, don't worry, i've riden with ben and a couple of others from there, they're sexy.
  5. Oh, ok. See you tomorrow! (ad, i'll deffo be there, even if they are setting us up.)
  6. Does he ride trials? From what i can (can't) see, he isn't a member of this forum.
  7. ibtc... Are you MrMonkey? Have you been unbaned?
  8. It's called a rotisserie. Google would probably like car thrown in the search... (car rotisserie)
  9. *Drunk old irish man accent* Happy birtday you old b*****d!
  10. So, technically, i could restore my comp back to as good as it was the day i bought it and still have all my musics?
  11. That's you playing the guitar in all of the myspace tunes? YOU'RE f**kING AMAZING.
  12. If you haven't got much stuff on your comp that you don't need, i'd format and reinstall or do system restore. Hmm, not too sure about what's happened to it, maybe start it up in safe mode and try uninstalling spysweeper (despite me having it, it's wank, you best not have payed for it). OR If you've got any progras such as norton go back or another recovery program, try going back a day or two.
  13. Again, dotbymiro, saw them tonight, my god they whipped up a storm.
  14. Word. With a drill you can get some serious buffing going on.
  15. GCSE science modules, fool. 2 10 and 11.
  16. I was wondering where you got to Mr. Bee! He needs to have a can of bee whoop ass opened on him (for his spelling) Immaculate.
  17. Word. I finish next thursday, i'll probably cry, but i'm not gonna miss a lot of c**ts. Got 3 modules tomorrow, slightly scared, no revision.
  18. I MET TOMMY D! #1 fan! I couldn't find myself in any of the vid, did get in the background of two pics though. Who's that legendary camera man, at the start? He's a baller.
  19. Was good. Nice atmosphere. Fat Pants - t pro with orange forks, stripey jumper, jeans and a bag on all the time (i swear, as soon as i take it off and do a move, i fall on my back, and it hurts) Pics: www.imageshack.us, upload em all, then when they're uploaded, copy the most bottom link of each pic and put them in these tags (without the space) [ img]LINK HERE[ /img]
  20. W00t, they're nice and good sized now, Joe have another look through, they're good.
  21. Good lad I've found one which i'm in, soooo sexy. Boy got skillz. 1.4mb each, lol!
  22. Simonnnn, these pics are tiny, they're so small they take 2 mins each to download. lol. Meh, they're good pics, kudos for getting them up quickly.
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