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Fixed Pants™

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Everything posted by Fixed Pants™

  1. Don't tap it, whack it? Go big or go home? If you don't get hurt, you aint riding hard enough? erm, there's more, just look in all the NMC's sigs and try to read them (most will be spelt awfully - ef u aint ert, u ent riddin ard enuf')
  2. Starts from 99p a month.
  3. Aye Who the hell are they? lol. Have you looked through all the tabs sites? EDIT: There are NO tabs for them, not even chacha could find them!
  4. me in sperm *wanks on his face*
  5. but then he put his fingers in his nose and closed his mouth and reinflated his head. and became the sexiest person ever. true stories (sexy bit)
  6. and then the mystical davey un died and had to start life again and he could go to school and had loads of fun there.
  7. which happened to be the age daveys girl friend was...
  8. Yeah, woops, f**ked up on that bit... But still, even if he did non violently refuse, they shouldn't have nicked him, just had a word.
  9. THAT IS f**kING BULLSHIT. That's plain taking the piss, that has actually boiled my blood, you were doing f**k all, you were in a skatepark where they always f**king tell you to go. Woops, just a park, not skate park. still takes the piss. Write a complaint, c**ts. @everyone that said he was being a gob shite, fair enough he gave it lemon, but he had every right to. But, if it was me, i'd have played it a bit differnently... 'i'll do it, but we're doing nothing wrong' type thing.
  10. Chassis's are sometimes CNC'd, other bits like that would be shock towers. Brake disks. Yeah, sounds like it could be good. How much will this machine cost if you don't mind me asking?
  11. Most likely, put he patch in the folder with the rest of the game, open it and click patch, where ever that may be. The crack, you use that to open up the game, not the one you installed with. Just buy it.
  12. Don't do it, it's very naughty. The thing won't work because you haven't got a crack or patch for it, you'd need to download that aswell. I rarely download games illegally, if i can get them in the shops, i would, as online play is normally taken away with the illegalness of it. RE: merlin man... Sheringham, don't download anything from a site unless it's a warez forum, as it will 95% be a virus, keylogger or any other nasty. Also, virtually all serials sites are spywared to that max.
  13. Death monkey, who be she?! I demand a name now!
  14. www.eazhost.co.uk 99p a month.
  15. Mat, wire wool, fine stuff, will work wonders!
  16. http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/acata...sharpeners.html
  17. FFS, trains f**ked up and i'm not going.
  18. My train gets to waterloo at 10 47, so you'll be there before me.
  19. If the essex guys are meeting chris at liverpool street, shall i meet ad and andy at sloped walls? Liverpool street is a trek from where i get off.
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